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Studies On The Songxiaolian’s Thoughts Of Governing The Sides From Late Qing To Early Republican China

Posted on:2012-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330338471381Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Song Xiaolian (1860-1926), surnamed as Youmei or Tiemei, was born in Yongji county, Jilin Province ( it is today’s Jilin City). He together with Li Jinyong established the Mohe Gold Mine and took charge of the secretary work and the foreign affairs. Besides, he worked as the Dean in the secretary office of Cheng Dequan, Tongzhi (official title) at the executive organization in the place of Hailun, counsel in the Office of Foreign Affairs, temporary commander in Hulunbeier, and the head for the Department of Civil Affairs. After the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, Zhou Shumo, the former governor of Heilongjiang Province asked to resign and the central government appointed Song Xiaolian to take the place of Zhou Shumo. The weakness of Qing government discontented and disappointed Song Xiaolian for a while, so he was supportive of the Xinhai Revolution in 1911. in 1912, Minguo government appointed Song as Dudu and head for the Department of Civil Affairs in Heilongjiang Province. In 1913, he was shifted to work in Beijing as the advisor and later on he took part in government affairs. During the following years, he achieved little. When the year of 1919 came, he was assigned to take charge of Zhongdong railway. Over the years in Heilongjiang Province, Song knew about the frontier a lot and defeated Russia for many times, so he made an achievement in taking care of frontiers. The success in administration in frontier has much to do with his theory of frontier policy.Focusing on the BOOK OF SONG XIANLIAN, this paper investigates the formation, growth and maturity of Song Xiaolian’s thought of frontier policy, hoping to have some implications for the present development of Heilongjiang Province.This paper consists of five parts.The first part is the introduction to the paper, including the introduction to Song Xiaolian, the background and significance of this paper, literature review at home and abroad, research method and procedures.The body of this paper spans part 2 to part 4 and it mainly deals with the formation, growth, maturity and the practice of Song Xiaolian’s thought of frontier policy. The last part explores the practical and historical significance of Song Xiaolian’s thought of frontier policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Songxiaolian’s
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