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The Expression Of The Disease Experience And Nderstanding The Deviation

Posted on:2014-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R X CaiFull Text:PDF
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The patient disputes has become one of the social issues of common concern intoday’s society, contradictions and even conflicts around three groups of doctors,patients and patients’ families have occurred, but all the problems are all due to thecommunication barriers of tripartite crowd and the source in pain expressed by thepatient to the doctor, this is a starting point. Through the expression of the patient onthe personal experience of the disease, describing how different groups of peoplebased on their own cultural models on the expression reaction, interpret, and interacton the doctor, the patient and the patient’s family in the communication barriers thatfor understood deviation disease, different deviations result in different problems. Iexplained the reason for this disorder based on its analysis of the impact of.I chose a hospital in the homeland as an investigation site, because all conflictsare happening here, where the different cultures in the Field of crowd practice theirculture through interaction. Here, the author of the preliminary information obtainedthrough literature method as the basis, through the use of participant observation andinterviews-the former is in the interaction record study does not disturb the otherpremise, the latter which you can get more in-depth information and can furtherincrease mutual trust and can lay the foundation for another visit, trying to reveal thecultural differences revisit laying the foundation-the root cause understanding ofdeviation.Nearly a hundred years development after the end of China’s feudal society hasexperienced a invasion of Western culture, traditional cultural retreat in the process,the Western cultural patterns of the original culture re-shaping, and then through thecultural impact on the ordinary people life. Medical culture is one of them. The peoplein this period of time for the attitude of the medical doctors and disease occurs hugeshift the macro changes reflected by microscopic discourse. Conflict, the author’sconclusions by doctors, patients and their families on the surface appear to understandthe deviation is spread by Western society to modern cultural individual needs, desiresunlimited increase this demand culture caused people achievements of moderntechnology does not meet. And only reflect and criticism the existing culture can becloser to the actual development of the people’s needs, so that people can be moremoral life in the face of sudden disaster such as disease, and ultimately make peopletreat life with ultimate attitude.
Keywords/Search Tags:Personal experience, Understand the deviation, Demand
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