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Comparative Study On Normal Prenatal Care Between The People’s Republic Of China And The Democratic Republic Of Congo

Posted on:2014-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Kabuyaya Kavuo Sabine S BFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Most pregnant women hope to give birth safely to a baby that is alive and well and to see it grow up ingood health.Pregnancy and childbirth are of course not diseases. Nevertheless, they carry risks that can be reduced byhealth-care interventions such as the provision of family planning, maternity and prenatal care. Studieshave shown that most maternal deaths occur during or shortly after birth and almost all could be avoidedif there is good prenatal care and women had been helped at that time by a health professional with theskills, equipment and drugs to prevent and manage complications.Pregnancy is the nine months or so for which a woman carries a developing embryo and fetus in herwomb. For most women it is a time of great happiness and fulfillment. Pregnancy is one of the mostimportant periods in the life of a woman, a family and a society. However, during pregnancy, both thewoman and her developing child face various health risks. For this reason, it is important that allpregnancies should be monitored by skilled care providers.Antenatal care is an essential part of modern health care. Any health care program that sincerely wishes toimprove the health of its population must pay serious attention to the health of the pregnant woman andher fetus. Such care is every woman’s right.The adequate prenatal care is important in monitoring pregnancy and reducing the risks for both motherand child during pregnancy and childbirth.Our study focused on the monitoring and care of pregnancy with normal evolution since doctor’sdiagnosis has the39th week in China in the Changchun city and Democratic Republic of Congo inKinshasa city. In this work, we highlight and describe the differences and/or similarities that may existin prenatal care during prenatal visits from the doctor’s diagnosis to the39th week of pregnancy betweenChina and DR Congo.To achieve this, we studied the policy and organization of antenatal care in both countries, and highlightthe elements of differences or similarities in answering the following questions:Who practice prenatal care? What is the frequency of prenatal care visit? What are physical andcomplementary examinations that a pregnant woman must do throughout her pregnancy? They exist ornot a prenatal health education class? They exist or not a vaccination program for pregnant woman?...
Keywords/Search Tags:Prenatal care, People’s Republic of China, Democratic Republic of Congo
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