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Studies On Chemical Constituents Of Three Folk Medicinal Herbs From Yunnan Province

Posted on:2013-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F DengFull Text:PDF
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This Master thesis is composed of four chapters. Reported in the chapter1-3were the investigation on the chemical constituents of Vaccinium fragile Franch., Salvia przew alskii Maxim, var. Mandarinorum Stib. and Salvia yunnanensis, respectively. In the fourth chapter, we introduced the chemical constituents and pharmacological activity of Vaccinium plants. Based on spectral techniques,38compounds were isolated from the three plants, and37compounds were identified. The structural types of these compounds involved in triterpenoids, diterpenoids, flavonoids, lignanoids and so on. Among them, two of them were new compounds, named1,8-dihydroxyl-2,3,5-trimethoxyxanthone, Vafragilin.Chapter1The Chemical Constitutens of Vaccinium fragileVaccinium fragile is originated in southwestern part of China, especially in Yunnan Province. Its chemical constituents have not been reported so far. The plants were collected from Jiangchuan county of Yunnan province of China. Our investigation of the chemical constitutents of the root of this plant resulted in the isolation of14compounds. Both of them are new compounds, named as1,8-dihydroxy-2,3,5-trimethoxy-xanthone, Vafragilin. All of the compounds were isolated from Vaccinium fragile plants for the first time. They were:1,8-dihydroxy-2,3,5-trimethoxyxanthone,1*, Vafragilin,2*,5-hydroxy-4’,6,7,8-tetramethoxyflavone,3,5-demethylnobiletin,4, Tangeretin,5, Hesperidin,6, Epicatechin,7, Taraxerol,8, Rotundanonic acid,9, Myrianthic acid,10, Arjunolic acid,11, Palmitic acid,12,β-sitosterol,13, Daucosterol,14.Chapter2The Chemical Constitutens of Salvia przew alskii Maxim.var. mandarinorum StibSalvia przew alskii Maxim.var. mandarinorum Stib. is mainly distributed in Yunnan Province. The plants were collected from Deqin county Yunnan Province.10compounds were isolated from the alcoholic extraction of S. przew alskii Maxim.var. mandarinorum Stib. They were:Tanshinone ⅡA1, Tanshinol B,2, Tanshinone acid mester,3, Tanshinone ⅡB,4, Crypo-tanshinone,5, Przewaquinone A,6, Tanshinone I,7, Przewalskin,8, Ursolic acid,9,β-sitosterol,10. Chapter3The Chemical Constitutens of Salvia yunnanensis C.H.wrightIn the southweat of China, S. yunnanensis has been used as surrogate of S. miltiorrhiza. The sample of S. yunnanensis collected in Yunnan Province were examined recently.13compounds were isolated. They were L-pyroglu-tamic acid,1, Succinic acid,2, Tanshinone IIA3, Crypotanshinone,4, Sugiol,5, Anshinone I,6, Dihydrotanshinone I,7, Tanshinol A,8,β-sitosterol,9,β-Sitosterol-palmitate,10, Sumaresinolic acid,11, Ursolic acid,12, Stearic acid,13.Chapter4The chemical constituents and pharmacological activity of VicciniumNationally and internationally, there were many references about the chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Viccinium plants. Based on the reports, the major constituents of Viccinium plants are flavones. So far, over200compounds were isolated from Viccinium. Except the flavones, many other kinds of compounds, such as triperpenoids were reviewed. At the same time, The Viccinium plants have various pharmacological activities.Acknowledgement...
Keywords/Search Tags:Vaccinium fragile, Salvia przew alskii, Salvia nnanensis, Chemicalcompound
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