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Analysis On Present Situation And Planning For Allocation Of Disease Prevention And Control System In Fuyang

Posted on:2013-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330374984172Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objectives To acknowleadge the distribution and disease prevention and control workof disease control centers, as well as the human resources, construction, devices andfinance conditions. To analyze the current problems in disease control system of Fuyangand make plans for next ten years.Methods Health service questionaire was used to household survey in Fuyang, anddisease control center questionaire was filled by the CDCs. EpiData3.1, Excel2010,SPSS16.0was applied to descriptively analyze the work and resource allocation ofCDCs in Fuyang. Make plans for the disease prevention and control system accordingto the natural population growth of Fuyang and national standards in next10years ofFuyang.Results⑴The incidence and mortality rate of A and B class infectious disease ofFuyang was higher than the average of China, and rate of vaccination was lower thanaverage, pit-latriness without cover was still the mainly toliet type in countryside;⑵Common problems existed in the human resources of Fuyang CDCs, such asinsufficient amount of personnel, unresonable composition of proffesion and diploma,low proportion of highly educated personnel etc.;⑶The buildings of Yingzhou,Yingdong and Yingquan CDCs were not up to the commended standards;⑷Deficiencyof devices was found in all surveyed CDCs, except for Fuyang CDC;⑸4of9surveyedCDCs were found with budgetary deficit.Conclusions⑴Demands of diseaseprevention and control in Fuyang was increasing; ⑵The resource allocation of CDCs was unreasonble, special effort should be made inthe improvement of human resources;⑶Government need to pay more to ensureappropriate devices that could meet with disease control demands and make policies tosupport CDCs;⑷Reasonable plans should be made for the diseaseprevention andcontrol system in Fuyang.
Keywords/Search Tags:Disease Prevention and Control System, Survey, Regional planning
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