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Study On Perfecting New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme

Posted on:2013-03-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W R YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330374955852Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme is the medical mutual redressscheme for rural people, which is organized, guided and supported by the government,participated voluntarily by rural residents, funded by multiple parties including theindividual, the collective and the government, focused on compensating catastrophicdiseases. It has made great achievements since it has been taken into pilotimplementation in our country in2003, which changes preliminary the situation thatfarmers don’t have the basic medical insurance, plays an increasingly important rolein helping farmers to shield against the risk of catastrophic diseases and lessen themedical burden, prevents the farmers from poverty and re-poverty caused by illnesseffectively. However, the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme is a kind ofinstitutional innovation still in the pilot phase, which has no mature and pattern, stillface a series of practical problems during the process of implementation.The dissertation begins from the research and reflection of the developmentcondition of Chinese rural medical security and the development process of The NewRural Cooperative Medical Scheme, summarizes the experience of success and failure,then gives an empirical analysis of XiXian of XinYang city of Henan province, thusobtains that the characteristics of The New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme:strengthen government’s guidance, emphasize the voluntary for farmers; strengthengovernment’ responsibility; serious co-ordination as the main form; financing andmanagement of the county as a unit; establish an effective management andmonitoring mechanisms; suit measures to local conditions, take a variety of forms.The success of The New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme achieved: system’ basicframe formed; the coverage expands gradually; protection effect obvious; changes theconcept of farmers’ medical treatment; driven and promote the overall development ofrural health services. But The New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme still face aseries of practical problems: lag in legislation, attribution is not clear; system designis unreasonable; regulatory mechanism is inadequate; financing mechanism is notperfect; weak rural public health、primary health care sector and backward, the lowlevel of health service. Finally, gives the solutions and suggestions to enhance TheNew Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme: accelerate the legislation; strengthenadvocacy、strengthen the responsibility of government; improve financing mechanismto enhance the level of its protection; establish a scientific compensation mechanism; strengthen the construction of primary health care service system to improve the levelof health service, which is very important for perfecting The New Rural CooperativeMedical Scheme and the service of the people’s health.
Keywords/Search Tags:The New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme, System, Perfecting
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