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Effect Comparison Of The Cement And Cementless Fixation Used In Total Hip Arthroplasty

Posted on:2013-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HanFull Text:PDF
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Objective:A retrospective study of39cases treated with total hip arthroplasty, comparing the effect of the cement and cementless fixation.Method:It is a retrospective study of39cases treated with total hip arthroplasty from august2008to February2011in the third affiliated hospital of JiLin university. They were separated into two groups:the cement group and the cementless group。The cement group:20cases:11male,9female; from40-87Y, with a mean age of67.8Y;10fracture of neck of femur,2intertrochanter fracture of femur,4caput femoris necrosis,2osteoarthritis,1fracture of femoral shaft and1osteoarthropathy。The cementless group:19cases:11male,8female; from34-67Y, with a mean age of52.9Y;11caput femoris necrosis,4fracture of neck of femur,3osteoarthritis and1coxitis tuberculosa。The time of admitted、operated and discharged, and the harris score of patients before and after operation for7days,3months and6months were all recorded。 Compare the two with chi square testResults:There were significant differences between the type of fixation and age (X2=21.777, p=0.001), and the harris score of7days after operation (X2=9.552, p=0.049);age and time of discharged;the score of the harris score of patients before and after operation for7days,3months and6months (P>0.05)Conclusions:1. In THA, patients older than70Y should choose the cement fixation to acquire the quick effect. The harris score after operation for7days is better so as to shorten the hospital stays.2. THA is useful for fracture of neck of femur. intertrochanter fracture of femur, caput femoris necrosis, osteoarthritis, fracture of femoral shaft and osteoarthropathy。...
Keywords/Search Tags:THA, cement, cementless
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