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Correlation Of Using Lovastatin Combined Exogenous Progenitor Cells In Rabbit Model Of Femoral Head Necrosis

Posted on:2013-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J FuFull Text:PDF
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[Background] According to associationresearch circulationosseons,(ARCO),osteonecrosis (ON), That refers to a variety of reasons includinginternal cycle interrupt such as mechanical, biological, bone death and the subsequentfailure of repair of active components of a complex pathologic process, involving thebone and joint system, well to weight bearing joints, with necrosis of the femoral headis the most common. Incidence of osteonecrosis can be any age, sex, but the vastmajority of patients with30-59-year-old group, than about its men and women as8:1.Study suggests that such patients are in such patients, approximately30.6million in theUnited States, and120,000new patients every year, Diagnosis of the patients,10needed total hip10. In China, with the extensive application of corticosteroids,alcoholism seriously increased, due to its non-traumatic osteonecrosis occurred alsoincreased. A series of symptoms in patients with osteonecrosis. Would result in aworking capacity loss in patients with, has a very high disability rates. Current Generalsymptomatic therapy of early femoral head necrosis, while advanced undergoing hipreplacement surgery. Medical profession has been in the search for more effectivetreatments The Pathogenesis of osteonecrosis,usual considering that the form of Micro–thrombus from the non-traumatic osteonecrosis and bone structure broken. Outside ofthe high pressure in blood vessel combined with fat cells hyperplasia played a role inmicro-vascular occlusion.causes of non-traumatic osteonecrosis has following severalhypothesis,like Internal pressure, intravascular coagulation fat embolism theory theory,Venous Stasis theory, osteoporosis, and microvascular damage theory and so on.Ultimately can be traced to the reasons for mechanical reasons.Thromboembolism of the intravascular and extravascular pressure blocking blood flow, causing bone tissueischemia, last seen necrosis of bone cells. Microcirculation of thrombsis andcoagulation is a cause of nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the various causes of commonpathway, found in many bone necrosis in pathology specimens of patients withconfirmed thrombosis in microcirculation.Osteonecrosis of the femoral head,ONFH, Refers to the necrosis of the femoralbone xiaoliang, bone marrow cells, eventually leading to dysfunction of the hip..Extensive application of cortisol is one of the important causes of necrosis of femoralhead, but it is not clear of its physiological processes, control very difficult. Cortisolcan be causedby hyperlipemia, subsequently developed femoral head of blood vessels,fat embolism, eventually leading to necrosis of the femoral head. Cortisol-inducednecrosis of femoral head is one of the important complications of some patientsreceiving hormone therapy. Due to mechanical causes in younger patients, steroid-induced necrosis of femoral head loading zone are generally, so once the collapse of thefemoral head, will result in a damage of the hip injury, lost joint function, seriousconsequences.endothelial progenitor cells,EPC, named Vascular progenitor, Since1997,Asahara first detailed description of the EPCs into endothelial cell differentiation andsince the updates involved in vascular remodeling has become hotspots update on bloodvessels. Peripheral vascular disease, such as limb ischemia, severe cerebral andmyocardial ischemia, ischemic tissue implants can show that it can promote endothelialprogenitor cells in angiogenesis. Recent studies found that patients with fractures andbone defects, local implantation of vascular endothelial progenitor cells promoteangiogenesis, and accelerate bone regeneration.However, can promote regeneration ofblood vessels of the femoral head of endothelial progenitor cells, repair bone necrosis of femoral head, important significance to clinical treatment of necrosis of the femoralhead.Under physiological conditions, EPCs found chiefly in human bone marrow tissues,EPCs in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in. the blood circulation of the only0.01.EPCs in the mobilization of EPCs is to stimulate the bone marrow migrate to peripheralblood. Early mobilization of EPCs in the bone marrow microenvironment. Fibroblasts,bone is the original cells and endothelial cells, composed of micro-environment--"stem cell niche ". A progenitor cell mobilization of its decision. In terms of mobilizingfactor, endogenous, Burns, local tissue ischemia, ischemia, injury can stimulate bloodvessel injury of mobilizing EPCs from the bone marrow. Mobilization of stem cells,endothelial progenitor cells in the body, transferring to the damaged parts, and repairdefect organization, tissue repair in is one of the important ways. But external sources ofstem cells, endothelial progenitor cells in clinical application of ethics, cells, cells inmany uncontrollable factors such as pollution and cell survival rate restrictions, andhow to mobilize to the need to repair the site migration bcomes the current cell researchhotspots of body injury repair. Literature reports, local embedding Statins can causestem cells migrate to fracture parts, repair of bone defect so we can attempt to establishthe work of osteonecrosis model in rabbits used in foreign-derived endothelialprogenitor cells, and lovastatin identification of intervention effect of its repair.Study on the project’s main content1establishment of femoral head necrosis in rabbitmodel;2foreign-derived endothelial progenitor cells and identification of lovastatinintervention3repair results.[Objective] To investigate the therapeutic effect using lovastatin combined exogenousprogenitor cells in rabbit model of femoral head necrosis [Methods]36hormone-induced femoral head necrosis rabbits were devided into4groups. One group was given saline through ear vein as a control, isolated and culturedendothelial progenitor cells was given to the second group rabbits, lovastatin was givento rabbits of third group, the remaining group was treated with endothelial progenitorcells combined lovastatin.4and8weeks after injection, the rabbits were observedgenerally parallel X-RAY, histopathological effects of bone reparation.[Results] Bone reparation was found in necrotic tissue in the exogenous progenitor cellgroup and lovastatin group, but the results was not as good as the combination oflovastatin and progenitor cell group.[Conclusion] lovastatin has the possibility of repair of bone necrosis, and exogenousprogenitor cells and lovastatin may have a synergistic effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:lovastatin, exogenous progenitor cells, hormone-type femoral headnecrosis
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