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Contemporary Famous Doctors Kept Chong And Rend Academic Thought Research

Posted on:2013-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330374483929Subject:TCM gynecology
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Chong and Ren Theory formation and development, after the long history of thousands of history, through the many physicians from theory to practice repeatedly between research, Chong and Ren Theory in breadth and depth research has a certain amount of progress. This topic in the research of the seven old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, They use certain method, With certain theory as the breakthrough point, From different angles for analysis, And then put forward different viewpoints and theories, They each Chong and Ren Theory has his strong point, But at the same time there are academic commonalities, Embodies the inheritance and development of the school。 Chong and Ren Theory In the clinical application of also have their respective application characteristics, It can be roughly classified into three kinds, For Chong and Ren dominant, Viscera second; two viscera dominates, Chong and Ren second; Three is viscera theory and are Chong and Ren equally important; Four is Chong and Ren the status of absolute。And their commonalities mainly reflects in clinical medication, Pay attention to the overall concept and bianzhenglunzhi, Chong and Ren Theory The main features of gynecology, These theory and clinical application characteristics, Rich and the development Chong and Ren Theory Plays a great role in promoting, Thus for the medical cause of mankind And the health of human made a very valuable contribution。Purpose:Based on the theory of r Chong and Ren cognition of the theory, To Chong and Ren theory as the research target point, o discuss about contemporary famous doctors kept Chong and Ren the current research status of academic thought, And in which the common theory to its at the same time unique in this paper, And so as to provide a basis for clinical use.Methods:mainly through the collected a large number of relevant documents, literature material management、comprehensive analysis and research investigate.Results:1.The contemporary old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine of blunt as academic thought in the existing clinical generality:①Emphasizing integral concepts and syndrome differentiation②Chong and Ren female branch characteristic.③Clinical experience, is industrious and good at summing up, the summary and analysis, and used for himself.④pay attention to protection union, avoiding prevention.2.Contemporary old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine blunt as the uniqueness of the academic thought:①theory and dominates, Chong and Ren take second place:BeiJingLiuFengWu, LingNanLuoYuanKai, ShangHai YuJin。②the Chong and Ren dominant theory, theory and soil, TianJinHanBing;③Viscera theory Chong and Ren theory are equally important,Shang Hai CaiXiaoSun. and ZhuNanSun;④Chong and Ren absolute status of theory,HeiLongJiang MaBaoZhang。...
Keywords/Search Tags:contemporary, Academic thought, Chong and Ren
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