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Content The HVSs Changes Induced By Lesion Of Pallidum In Rats With Parkinson’s Disease

Posted on:2013-09-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J FuFull Text:PDF
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With the continuous advancement of the electrophysiological studies of brain network has a clear understanding of the neural network oscillations with oscillation between some of the inherent characteristics of each neuron there is a certain synchronicity characteristics. The people began to take advantage of these features on the neural network to explain the physiological phenomena related to brain function, Similarly, consider using some of the abnormal performance of the neural network to explain the brain dysfunction, which found that the phenomenon with these brain disorders related to brain function the pathogenesis of the disease, and then come up with appropriate treatment mechanism. In Parkinson’s patients and animal studies have been observed in the basal ganglia within the nuclei and between nuclei enhanced synchronization of oscillations in different frequency bands present study has shown that lack of dopamine can result in the striatum and substantia nigra pars reticulata enhanced synchronization of neurons in high-voltage spindles (HVSs). HVSs oscillation activity initially occur spontaneously in the rat cortical networks in the awake resting state were recorded, it is a frequency within the7-14Hz range oscillations, characterized by spikes peak shaped spindle with the ups and downs waveform alternately appear. In addition to the cerebral cortex neural network, also found in the striatum, globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra pars reticulata local field potentials recorded in the the HVSs activities. Most of the studies also showed that the the HVSs oscillation between the activities in the cortex or within the nuclei and cortex and nuclei showed high synchronization. More and more evidence that this multi-frequency range of synchronous oscillation is an important mechanism of brain information processing, and abnormal synchronization may be the basis of many brain disorders.At present, surgical treatment of Parkinson’s disease is still corrupted surgery and DBS two co-exist. Parkinson’s patients for the different situations for the DBS or ablation or a combination of two ways. Ablation treatment of Parkinson’s disease after a long and extensive clinical practice, treatment of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is worthy of recognition. While damage to the principle of surgical treatment of Parkinson’s disease, is still unclear, related experiments carried out less.Review of the literature, suggesting that the mechanism of damage to the surgical treatment of Parkinson’s disease may affect the basal ganglia loop the HVSs oscillations activities related to the synchronization of basal ganglia loops in the PD state the HVSs oscillation activity increased, and DC damage to the basal gangliathe loop on important nuclei of the globus pallidus may lead to enhanced conduction of the synchronous oscillations in the loop part is suppressed or fold returns superior to the outgoing nuclei. Designed to verify the assumptions made, the following experiments using local field potential changes in physical activity recorded rat EEG recording of cortical EEG and deep brain surgery, damaged by the globus pallidus, the medial part of the DC record analysis of preoperative and postoperative changes in the EEG characteristics in rats and normal rats compared to confirm that damage to the mechanism of surgery for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease rat model.Objective:To explore the mechanism of radio frequency pallidotomy, use current lesion globus pallidus internus (GPi) of Parkinson rat, record the electrophysiology changes before and after the lesion.Methods:1. Group rats:SD rats were randomly divided into GP damage group, the sham group and normal group. PD damaged group and sham-operated rats with6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) right side of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), the midbrain ventral tegmental area (VTA) are two points were established by injecting PD rat model, A flutter by intraperitoneal injection of morphine (APO)-induced rotation to the right model to evaluate, and record the number of rotations of rats compared to the number of rotations and damage to the postoperative rat induced.2. EEG records:the rats were implanted in the same electrodes, metal electrodes implanted in the corresponding position of the rat motor cortex Ml, the M2area and deep brain striatum and globus pallidus, the multi-leadmacro electrode in vivo EEG recording of rats in each group (injected side) cerebral cortex, the Ml, M2District EEG and striatal field potential of continuous24-hour record on the right side, while video recording, continuous recording and monitoring2days. Then on GP damaged rats OK DC GPi ablation, direct current strength select0.5mA damage for10s, four days postoperative recovery, and apomorphine-induced rotational behavior in rats in each group underwent inspection, record the rats in each group the number of turns in before the number of rotations; continue to record the electrical activity of the brain for two days.3. All recorded data frequency spectrum analysis and coherence analysis, by statistical analysis to reveal the functional connectivity between the recording sites signal frequency components, as well as different sites of neuron clusters and synchronization. The signal data as mean±standard deviation (±s) said. PD damaged rats damaged the EEG before and after surgery were compared using a paired t-test, PD damage after damage between the group and sham group were compared using two sample t test between treatment groups using analysis of variance to compare. p<0.05was considered statistically significant difference. Matlab software the power spectrum analysis, the calculation of each lead record EEG signals at different frequencies on the relative or absolute power, the various frequency components in the analysis of signal frequency domain in order to analyze the synchronization of the local neurons discharge.Results:1. Parkinsonian rats after the medial globus pallidus electrical damage surgery, morphine-induced behavior to detect the number of rotations A flutter compared with a significant reduction in damage, and significant differences compared with the sham group. Damaged rats surgery after13laps less than the preoperative average number of rotations/min, with statistical significance; sham group a decrease of0.37laps/min after surgery compared with preoperative average number of rotations, the results were not statistically significant.2. Before and after GP damaged rats in awake resting EEG and striatal field potential significant change in perioperative, postoperative HVSs (High Voltage Spindles) in significantly shorter duration, the number of attacks decreased significantly. Damaged rats number of HVSs attack damage after surgery than before surgery reduced by an average169.44/24hours; the number of postoperative seizures in sham operated rats compared with the preoperative average increase of1.88times/24hours, the difference was not statistically significant; damage while postoperative damaged rats and normal rats the number of attacks similar to the average differences between groups were not statistically significant (P>0.05). HVSs duration of the damaged rats in the postoperative duration compared with the preoperative average reduction of1.61s, sham operated rats after surgery than before surgery to reduce0.01s, and damage to the postoperative duration with the normal group of rats rats duration of1.86±0.45s similar, their difference between the groups is not statistically significant (P>0.05).3. Each group of rats was in the resting state EEG compared to the GP damaged rats compared with sham-operated group coherence analysis showed that the GP damage after rats in the the HVSs band (5-13Hz) coherence was significantly smaller than in the sham operation group. In the Ml district lead by software analysis in the control group, sham group, the damage group relative power spectral density were3.78±1.03%,12.75±4.08%,3.59±0.98%, on the lead GPi damaged group rats relative power spectrum does not have significantly reduced the data by analysis of variance results show differences between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.05), while damage to the group of rats rPSD control the difference between rats than the sham operation group statistically significant (P>0.05). In the lead on the M2in the control group, sham operation group, mutilating group rPSD were3.71±1.18%,5.21±1.72%,3.92±1.23%in the striatum leads to the control group, sham operation group, damaged group rPSD8.57±2.73%,12.60±3.83%,8.65±2.38%on two sets of leads damaged rats relative power spectrum are significantly reduced compared with the sham group, a statistically significant difference (P<0.05), and close to the level of control rats, and its difference between the groups are not statistically significant (P>0.05). Rats in each group each lead coherence contrast between the Ml-Striatum two-lead, and damage the coherence of the group was0.24±0.10compared with sham-operated group0.77±0.08, a significant decrease in the M2-damage between the Striatum lead group coherence of0.27±0.12compared with sham-operated group0.59±0.16a significant reduction in damage between the M2-M1leads group coherence0.26±0.10vs sham group,0.45±0.14a significant reduction in damaged group and sham group coherence differences between the three groups leads to a statistically significant (P<0.05), each set of data by analysis of variance. The Ml between the three groups of lead-Striatum-Striatum the M2, M2-M1, the normal control group coherence were0.24±0.10,0.29±0.13,0.27±0.10, group coherence between the damage in the corresponding lead close to the analysis show the difference between the two groups are not statistically significant (P>0.05).Conclusion:1. Established in the awake resting state of6-OHDA PD rat cortex-basal ganglia loop HVSs duration of the extension and increased frequency of lead coherence has also been increased.2. Damaged by the GP after surgery of Parkinson’s disease model rat cortex-reduction in the number of HVSs on the basal ganglia loop continuous time attack, and lower and close to the normal level of synchronization between all leads. Thus improving PD symptoms, behavioral tests showed damage to the number of rotations of the postoperative rats decreased and close to the level of normal rats. This phenomenon may explain the clinical treatment of the globus pallidus radiofrequency ablation treatment of PD mechanism.Innovation:1. In this study, a new cortical electrodes and deep brain electrodes, and revolutionized the implanted electrodes and the way not only makes the noise interference experiment control, and more firmly so that the implanted electrodes, reducing record interferenceand the incidence of failed.2. It was first recorded to the globus pallidus DC damage rat model of Parkinson’s disease motor cortex and striatum of the location of neurons oscillating activities in perioperative electrophysiological interpretation of damage in clinical surgery, in order to further understandParkinson’s disease occurrence and development of conversion mechanism provides a new idea.
Keywords/Search Tags:Parkinson’s disease, globus pallidus internus, lesion, electrophysiology, HVSs
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