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Inhibitory Effect Of Qki On The Proliferation Of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

Posted on:2013-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F W HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330362969491Subject:Clinical Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
BackgroundCardiovascular disease has become endanger people’s health, the severityof disease, vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation widespread in a varietyof cardiovascular diseases, especially coronary atherosclerotic heart disease,hypertension, stent implantationrestenosis of the basic pathological changes ofthe disease, inhibition of VSMCs proliferation is an important target forpreventing cardiovascular disease. QKI protein in the STAR proteins (signaltransduction and activation of protein), by qking genes encoding synthesis oflarge numbers in the brain, heart, lungs, blood vessels and other tissues. QKIprotein has a crucial role in myelin formation and embryonic development.QKI regulation of myelination and myelin lipid itself mature to produceoligodendrocytes glial cells and Schwann cells are necessary for all aspects ofpost-transcriptional level to regulate the synthesis and expression ofmyelin-forming protein. QKI proteins involved in heart and muscledevelopment. In recent years, people also found that QKI on vasculardevelopment is very important. If qkI gene mutation will cause the yolk sacvascular remodeling disorders and embryo mid-term vascular abnormalities. QKI and VSMCs proliferation, the existence of what is worth our study. Weuse serum stimulation of VSMCs proliferation model, to test the relation of itand QKI expression and QKI effect on it. Provide a new understanding ofvascular smooth muscle cell proliferation mechanism.ObjectiveTo explore the effects of QKI to the proliferation of vascular smoothmuscle cells (VSMCs) and to improve the mechanisms of VSMCsproliferating.MethodsIn primary rat aortic smooth muscle cells for the study,observed thatoverexpression of QKI5、QKI6effects of VSMCs proliferation that is inducedby serum.ResultsSerum can promote primary rat aortic smooth muscle cells proliferatingand QKI changed dynamic in this process. Overexpressing QKI can inhibitVSMCs proliferation induced by serum.ConclusionThrough the research of this subject, the first time, we found dynamicchanges of QKI in the process of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation,and overexpression of QKI inhibited serum stimulation of vascular smoothmuscle cell proliferation induced by serum. This effect may be to some extent,can inhibit the blood pressure and other diseases associated with vascularsmooth muscle cell proliferation. And laid the foundation for a betterunderstanding of the expression mechanism to reduce the processes involvedin vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation.
Keywords/Search Tags:overexpress QKI, serum, vascular smooth muscle cell, proliferation
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