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Ecological Factors And Culture Optimization Of Chroococcus Minutus

Posted on:2013-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S B LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2233330377961346Subject:Marine biology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chroococcus minutus is a species of marine phytoplankton. It is suitable for lowdensity of sea water in the subtropical waters. But there is little data on this species in andabroad, mainly concentrated in the ecological distribution and classification, sewagetreatment and other fields. There is value in exploitation and utilization of C. minutus. Thisthesis studied physics and chemical factors on the growth of C. minutus, for puttingforward to an optimized parameters combination for its culture, extending culture in watertank.The results are as followings.1. K and Chl a were both significantly higher than other grades when temperature wasfrom30to35℃. ANOVA and Duncan multiple comparison (with a significant level of0.05, the followings are the same.) displayed that the optimal growth temperature of C.minutus is30~35℃.2. K was significantly higher than other grades when illumination intensity was from36to180μmol/m2s, while Chl a was significantly higher than other grades whenillumination intensity was from36to72μmol/m2s. K was significantly higher than othergrades when photoperiod was from8to16h, while Chl a was significantly higher thanother grades when photoperiod was from8to12h. ANOVA and Duncan multiplecomparison displayed that the optimal growth illumination intensity and photoperiod of C.minutus are36~72μmol/m2s and8L:16D~12L:12D.3. K and Chl a were both significantly higher than other grades when sea waterdensity was from1.01to1.02g/mL. ANOVA and Duncan multiple comparison displayedthat the optimal growth sea water density of C. minutus is1.01~1.02g/mL.4. K and Chl a were both significantly higher than other grades when pH was from7.1to8.1. ANOVA and Duncan multiple comparison displayed that the optimal growth pH ofC. minutus is7.1~8.1.5. K was significantly higher than other grades when nitrogen concentration was from17.65to35.29mmol/L, and Chl a was significantly higher than other grades when nitrogen concentration was from17.65to70.59mmol/L. K was significantly higher than othergrades when phosphorus concentration was from0.144to0.574mmol/L, and Chl a wassignificantly higher than other grades when phosphorus concentration was from0.287to0.574mmol/L. K and Chl a was significantly higher than other grades when ironconcentration was from71.64to143.28μmol/L. ANOVA and Duncan multiplecomparison displayed that the optimal growth concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus andiron of C. minutus was17.65~35.29mmol/L,0.287~0.574mmol/L and71.64~143.28umol/L, respectly.6. K and Chl a were both higher than other grades when C. minutus was cultured inmanganese concentration of18.4umol/L. K was significantly higher than other gradeswhen copper concentration was0.16to0.32umol/L, Chl a was significant higher thanother grades when copper concentration was0~0.32umol/L. K was significantly higherthan other grades when zinc concentration was0.39umol/L, Chl a was significant higherthan other grades when zinc concentration was0.39~0.77umol/L. ANOVA and Duncanmultiple comparison displayed that the optimal growth concentration of manganese,copper and zinc of C. minutus is18.4umol/L,0.16~0.32umol/L,0.39umol/L, respectly.7.Kand Chl a were both significantly higher than other grades when nitrogen sourcewas NaNO3. ANOVA and Duncan multiple comparison displayed that the optimal growthnitrogen source of C. minutus is NaNO3.8. Orthogonal experiment displayed thatKand Chl a were both higher than othergrades when temperature was30℃, illumination intensity was72umol/m2s and densitywas1.015g/mL. It showed that temperature had the best remarkable influence on thegrowth of C. minutus.Orthogonal experiment displayed thatKand Chl a were both higher than othergrades when nitrogen concentration was17.650mmol/L, phosphorus concentration was0.144mmol/L and iron concentration was71.640umol/L. It showed that the influence ofphosphorus concentration onKof C. minutus was the best remarkable, followed bynitrogen concentration, and finally iron concentration. The influence of iron concentrationon Chl a of C. minutus was the best remarkable, followed by nitrogen concentration, andfinally phosphorus concentration.Orthogonal experiment displayed thatKand Chl a was higher than other gradeswhen manganese concentration was4.60umol/L, copper concentration was0.32umol/Land zinc concentration was0.77umol/L. It showed that the influence of copperconcentration onKof C. minutus was the best remarkable, followed by manganeseconcentration, and finally zinc concentration. The influence of manganese concentration on Chl a of C. minutus was the best remarkable, followed by copper concentration, and finallyzinc concentration.9. Open pond culture system displayed that C. minutus growed well when illuminationintensity was72umol/m2s, nitrogen concentration was17.650mmol/L, phosphorusconcentration was0.287mmol/L and iron concentration was71.640umol/L.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chroococcus minutus, ecological factor, specific growth rate, chlorophyll acontent, widely culture
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