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On The Research Approaches Of Organic Agriculture

Posted on:2010-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2233330374495274Subject:Environmental Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research of organic farming is becoming more and more important. Such research is not only focusing on the organic farming system itself, but also involved in the global climate change. The Chinese domestic research of the organic farming is supposed to be improved to meet the new situation. And as the research of the organic farming is developing in China, the demanding of mastering the patterns of the organic concepts and its soul is imminent.The original ideas of the organic farming are addressed in this paper. And criticizing on the limitation of reductionism should be the highlight of the organic farming concepts and research.The pressure of maintaining the soil fertility is increased by the urban life. Chemical fertilizer, hybrid seed and machinery was developed to solve the problem, conducted by the reductionism. But, it caused a lot of environmental and social problems.The pioneers of the organic movement realized and replied to the severe contradiction between the human behaviors and nature, and between science and culture, brought by the reductionism. This is the reason organic movements developed. The original organic concepts are not only a rethinking of the reductionism, but also a practice by the meaning of agricultural activities.Thus, on the limitation of the reductionism could be the very indicator of the origin of the organic farming.The problem of the conventional agriculture conducted by the reductionism is that: when we forward such farming system from the lab or plot to the fields, the maintainability of effectiveness of the results also needs an exact controlling of the conditions. And this is the reason for the high external inputs of the conventional agriculture.The limitation of the reductionism also caused the developing of the new paradigm of the science in the early20th century. Life is the core concept of the new paradigm of science and it focuses on the complexity research approaches. It is intend to integrate the science and culture, the east and west. The concept of organic agriculture is one form of the new paradigm of science. The different character of sustainability between the organic and conventional farming system derives from their own conducted science paradigms, which have different effectiveness on the adaptive capacity of farming system. Organic farming insists on the holism and particularity, brings us back to the world of life from the world of physics.As a country which owns plenty of telling traditional agricultural techniques, China should not ignore the developing of the new paradigm of science; this may be the true ally and opportunity for the Chinese traditional agricultural techniques.In the complex and indeterminate condition, the inheriting of historical information of the interaction between the adaptive agents of the agro-system and environment is the core of the sustainability of the agro-system. Such researches will contribute to the scientific understanding and optimizing of the organic agro-ecosystem.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organic Farming, New Paradigm of Science, Reductionism, AdaptiveCapacity, Sustainability, Agro-ecosystem
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