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Bionomics And Control Of Potted Ifcus Thrips

Posted on:2013-09-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M WangFull Text:PDF
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In Fujian province,thrips harmd potted Ficus are nine horses,they are Gynaikothrips uzeli、 Mesothripsjordani、Gigantothrips elegans、M.manii、Androthrips ramachandrai、Liothrips piperinus、Xylaplothrips inquilinus、Scirtothrips dorsalis and Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis。 Gynaikothrips uzeli is the main types of the potted ficus thistle horse.After raising found, The eggs of Gynaikothrips uzeli hatch for7days and nymph eclosioned for16days into adult;2-3d mating adults, Time for5min above mating, The worm has the ability for mating, just a mating after the worm and another male head female insect mating time also sustainable3min. After mating adults began around12h laying eggs,On the choice of host plants Gynaikothrips uzeli Zimm is specificity,the mainly host plants is Ficus.To Philodenron selloum C. Koch、Radermachera sinica (Hance) Hemsl、Pachira aquatica Aubl will also have a slight genera evil. and Not found in plant thistle horse worm body development For six plant hobby, Ficus benjamina Linn is strongest,Ficus microcarpa、 benjamina cv. Golden Princess are second, F. microcarpa cv. Golden Leaves、F. elastica cv. Deocora Burgundy F. elastica var. variegate are pianissimo.Lecanicilliurn lecanii (zimmermann) found that Maximum width of the V3450aerial hyphae.is2.0um, Conidiophore is the longest for16.0um, When the spore concentration of1.0×108spores/ml LT50for4.68d. The control effect of MTMC+acetamiprid in the mixing ratio of four to one is most ideal...
Keywords/Search Tags:ficus tree, thrips, occur, breeding, control
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