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Relations Of Immuned State And Swinery Infected With PRRS In The Western Area Of He’nan Province

Posted on:2013-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G CuiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome(PRRS) is a kind of infectiousdisease caused by porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV).Generally immune of PRRS had been carried out to the swine at home, however, therestill had a certain incidence rate in most of region annually. In order to acquire thebasic incidence sitiation of immuned swinery of PRRS in the western region of He’nanprovince, the research investigated the immuned states and incidence, detected theantibody levels and the physiological index of the nosogenic swinery, attempted toexplore the reason of paroxysm of PRRS in immuned swinery once again and providethe reference for making scientific immunization programs to prevente and control thePRRS, as well as promoted the sustainable development of the swine industry.In order to acquire the basic incidence situation of immuned swinery of PRRS in thewestern area of He’nan province, the research chosed the natural infection cases withPRRSV as the object, and collected the suspected samples included141epidemicmaterials and466serums based on clinical and pathological diagnosis, record thedetailed data backgrounds including the immune implementation, immune state andincidence situation after immune. Investigation analyses suggested that the PRRSVinfection phenomemon existed in the western area of He’nan province. PRRSV couldinfect in any season in the year, the incidence rate was relatively higher during autumnand winter than spring and summer. PRRSV could infect any generation pigs, apartfrom the1~30ageindays piglets and the sow had the higher incidence rates, as well asthe31~60ageindays piglets. In the PRRS infection and positive detection rate ofdifferent-sized farms, the rate was higher in farms which had100~500swines, and infarms which had500~1000and above1000swines was lower.Detected the antibody in serum by ELISA kit, and the results showed that theantibody positive rate of immuned swinery was higher than that of non-immunde, and the antibody had higher dispersion in immuned nosogenic swinery. It had a certainrelationship with incidence situation and the use of vaccines, the incidence rates ofswinery immuned with attenuated PRRSV vaccines were higher than that ofinactivated vaccines, it results in the persistent infection was relatively serious thanimmuned with inactivated vaccines. Recombinant import attenuated vaccines orcombined attenuated vaccines with import attenuated vaccines had a relative minimumincidence rate. It has higher incidence rates in swine farm that immuned only once andrandomly, and lower which timely second after the first immuned.Detection and analysis of the hemogram index of infected piglets after immunedvaccines indicated that the white blood cells and lymphocytes were significantlyhigher than non-immuned index in the late stage of infection. There was no significantchange of red blood cells shaps in nosogenic swinery, and they were close to or littlelower than normal index. The blood platelet of immuned swine infected with PRRSVwas higher than non-immuned.Comprehensive analysis with the investigation and experimental results indicatedthat PRRSV infection was commonly in Luoyang area, and there was still a certainincidence rates after immuned with PRRSV vaccines. This study provided referencefor preventing and controlling PRRS in clinical treatment, moreover, it could providetheory evidence for formulating scientific prevention and control scheme for PRRS.
Keywords/Search Tags:Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome(PRRS), Epidemiological survey, Hemogram anlysis, Physiological index, Prevention and control measures
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