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Modern Agirculture In The Tesidential Area Of Landscape Ecological Design Research

Posted on:2013-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K X CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330377953680Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s rural is currently in a traditional agriculture to modern by the rural landscape ofthe transition period, some farmland will integrate into the field in order to adapt to themodern machine farming, and a few small villages are merged into ZhongXinCun, rural areasare a new reform period. In the construction of the regional characteristic of the city to lack,ecological environment deterioration of the phenomenon such as destructive building alsoradiation to in the construction of new countryside. At present domestic to rural landscapedesign research is still in its infancy and not enough to the construction of a new countrysideecological landscape design in the form of specific theoretical guidance. Remodeling the newrural region characteristic, the protection and inheritance of traditional culture, theconstruction of the person and the nature harmoniously socialist new rural landscapeecological environment is around the corner, the research into its theory and practiceinstruction has the important practical significance.Modern agriculture landscape as regional development of history and the carrier ofculture, the aesthetic value and ecological resources for mining, help us to protect the farmbelt traditional culture, and reshape regional ecological characteristics, so that in theresidential area of modern agriculture landscape design radiate new life.The article adopts the theory research and case analysis in this paper, using the methodof landscape ecology theory as guidance, modern agriculture of living areas landscapeecological design for research. Through the analysis of the domestic and foreign countrylandscape planning and design and the related theory of the research, according to the presentsituation of the construction of new rural landscape, for the traditional local landscapeelements and features are summarized, and concludes that the modern agricultural livingareas landscape ecological design aesthetic education is the key to the enlightenment, arousepeople to natural guileless beauty of ecological understanding. This paper puts forward themodern agricultural living quarters to protect natural ecological environment, respect thegeographical features, economic, practical, beautiful design principle, and the design shouldbe adopted to protect, the transformation, the innovation, and other ways to show, inherit andcarry forward regional landscape characteristics; Modern agriculture and expounds livingareas landscape construction elements and design methods, including use of the topography,and protect the ecological environment, the use of agricultural plants, protecting local cultureto play landscape ecological characteristics. Second, through the analysis of the existingagricultural living area landscape aesthetic elements, sums up the agriculture living area is a unique natural form, production and life and history and culture of the aesthetic advantages,and the comparison between urban and rural areas, vividly reveals the rural ecological beauty,finally puts forward to want to make full use of modern living area and explore the uniqueecological resources, including human and natural resources, and creatively applied to guidefarm south of the park built sanjiang forward project landscape ecological research andpractice, make new rural landscape ecological construction to reflect the development ofregional culture, the agricultural ecological features, outstanding natural and socialharmonious coexistence the road of sustainable development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern agricultural living area, New rural, Landscape ecological design, Ecological beauty
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