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Research Of Control System Of Connected Test Station For Turbojet And Turbofan Engine For Missile

Posted on:2012-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330377458451Subject:Control Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the feature of small size and low fuel consumption, turbojet (turbfan) enginehad been preferred promote system for Cruise missiles of middle and long range. Whileconnected test station is a main study platform for turbojet(turbfan) engine’sresearching. Like all the foreigne contries, Chinense research institutes have lotsof connected test station for research purpose, but most of them are primary level asto their control system. The research is based on the need of connected test of turbojetand turbofan engine for missile, and is aimed at a smart and automatic control system.It include the following context.In the Introduction part the purpose and aim of the paper was advanced. It also tooka close look at the development of turbojet(turbfan) engine and the current statas ofthe testing facilities.The structureof hardwareand softwarepart advanceda integratedhardwareplan, whichputs all the fanctions into reality with one CPU. And also the research advanced atwo-level software structure, upper level sofeware is userinterface, and lower levelsoftware is the core part which turne most fanctions into reality.The control model reaserch of core parts. It anylsised inlet pressure adjust, inlettemperature adjust, outlet pressure adjust and interacting between these part. It alsoadvanced the mathmatics model of these control problems, which had been simulated byMatlab.The flexibitly of the control system. In order to meet the multi-purpers characterof the system, a modelized lower level programe and a set of different upper programshad been designed, which enabled the control system meet vary need from diffirentengines and made the control system easy to use.testing. After the control system was designed, it has been tested by a series ofengine test. The contrast between the new designed system and the old one show thatthe new system made the test station a great stepforward.The paper includes subject chooseing, designing, implementation and testing, the waywhich was choosed proved to be right from test results.
Keywords/Search Tags:Control system, Connected test station, Automation
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