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The Building Management System Design Of The Eastern Building

Posted on:2012-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330377452664Subject:Electronics and Communications Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Now with the rapid development of economic and the quality of life improved, peopledemand of comfortable living condition. The functionality requirement to various kinds ofbuildings is much higher than before. The building automation system which consists ofautomation technology, telecommunication technology and computer networks technology iswidely used. Few years ago, the mainly range of building automation system application wasonly one point which was the device of heating and ventilation under the automatic control inthe building. Now the controlled objects of the building automation system have covered allmachinery and electrical equipment of the aimed building.The building automation system is the automatic device control system which is based onthe cpu. It services for the modern building not for the industry control system in industrialproduction or the real time control system of industry. The international trend view of theconsist of the building automation system is the systems that are composed of heating, coolingand air-conditioning system,lighting device control system, water supply and drainagesystem, electric lift control, power distribution, the management system of parking lots, safetymonitoring system,the monitoring and controlling system about the building model for fire.The mainly function of the building automation system is to make the machinery and electricequipment of all the building work with highly active. In addition the building automationsystem supports PANDUIT and lets the controlled equipment be possessed of flexibility,compatibility, integration and openness.The building automation used the sensor of temperature, humidity, pressure and air qualityto gather physical quantity on spot and used drivers, controller to realize the control of themachinery and electrical equipment.Intelligent building is integrated with multi-disciplinary, high and new technology and alsothe symbol of the comprehensive economic strength. Building automation and intelligentdevices of lighting, seeing and hearing, safety, communications, cooling and heating are connected with the net or the PCI, working in parallel.The thesis will be take the Eastern Building2for example to introduce the mainly designscheme of the building automation system.
Keywords/Search Tags:the building automation system, machinery and electricequipment, monitor and control
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