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Study On The Spatial Structure Of Planning World City In Beijing

Posted on:2013-10-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330371982264Subject:Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As Beijing regarded “World City” as a clear urban development goal, scholars carried out explosive research and discussion on the difficulty and how to finish this goal from several aspects of the quality of industrial structure, human resources, technological innovation, geographic conditions, human environment, ecological environment, urban brand and so on. Some scholars created some index system to analyze the gap between Beijing and the World City andmade some suggestion. As numerous studies have demonstrated the space allocation of economic activities plays an important role in economic growth and development of the city, in my study, I will use the employment data, from theperspective of urban spatial structure to study the development path of Beijing.In my study, I will use the data of the first national economic census andthe second national economic census to study Beijing’s spatial structure fromtwo aspects of total employment and employment density, of two scales of thedistrict and the streets, by using GIS technology, spatial analysis, exploratoryspatial data analysis, two-stage non-parametric method, quantitative analysis methods.Through the study, I found that the employment of Beijing mainly gathered in the eight central districts, and the suburbanization was not very clear. Thefeatures of employment density showed a very obvious circle structure from the central urban area to the periphery. And the employment density reduced with the increasing of distance. The employment of central area including Dongcheng, Chongwen, and Xuanwu Districts reduced, but the neighboring Districts,such as Haidian District and Chaoyang District had very strong agglomerationeffect, and were even getting stronger. That mean the central area was declining. The overall spatial distribution of employment showed a very clear positivespatial autocorrelation that the streets with high employment gathered together and the streets with low employment gathered together, and the trend was constantly enhanced.Beijing’s employment spatial structure was polycentricity. Jinrong Street was the main employment center of Beijing, and during the first national economic census, there were three subcenters, those were Shangdi Street, Chaowai Street and Jiuxianqiao Street; and there were four subcenters during the second national economic census, those were Zhongguancun Street, Yongdinglu Street, Jiuxianqiao Street and Shangdi Street. Jinrong Street as the main center of Beijing, it played an important role. According the analysis, the Shangdi and Jiuxianqiao Streets were two stable subcenters, and with the growth of surrounding area, Chaowai Street’s status declined, and Zhongguancun and Yongdinglu Streetcatch up from behind. In addition, other districts also had streets of relativelyhigh density as local centers of economic activity, and the local centers werein their infancy.I analyzed the urban spatial evolution of the four recognized World CityLondon, New York, Paris and Tokyo through the method of literature review,and summarized their space development experience and lessons. Combined with the evolution process and present condition of the spatial structure of Beijing,it should promote the development of the centers at all levels, and deepen the spatial structure of Polycentricity.
Keywords/Search Tags:World City, polycenter, spatial structure, Beijing
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