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Research Of Vehicle Routing Planning System With Three-dimensional Loading Constraints

Posted on:2012-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330362468237Subject:Logistics Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Vehicle routing planning and vehicle loading planning are two importantaspects in logistic distribution. This paper will develop a vehicle routingsystem which considers these two problems simultaneously. That means whena route is created, all the goods belong to the route should be loaded into thevehicle successfully. And the planning result includes both routing result andloading result.The algorithm of vehicle routing problems with three-dimensionalloading capacitated vehicle routing problem (3L-CVRP) is firstly studied. Thewhole algorithm is divided into two parts, the first part create the route, thesecond part check whether all the goods belong to the route can be loaded intothe corresponding vehicle. The result from the second part can decide whetherto accept or reject the route created by the first part. This paper makes abreakthrough on in the second part. A new concept called cuboid with supportarea is proposed. Based on this concept, nine loading heuristics algorithm areintroduced, and one heuristic is the first time to be proposed. The algorithmused in the first part is tabu search algorithm. Two algorithms to obtain theinitial solution are presented. The computation results show that the proposedalgorithm is very competitive. In numerical tests all publicly available testinstances are solved, and for several instances new best solutions are found,for several instances best solutions are found in a shorter time.Based on the studying of the algorithm, a vehicle routing softwareconsiders both vehicle routing and vehicle loading is developed. Involvingfunctions such as using online map service, accessing to remote map data, theplanning results visualization, three-dimensional simulation of the loadingprocess and act., all of which are high difficulty in implementation. Theseefforts can provide reference to the future development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vehicle Routing Problem, Three-dimensional Loading, TabuSearch, Distribution System, Vehicle Routing System
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