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Research On The Key Technology Of No-saline Immature Mozzarella Cheese

Posted on:2014-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330398453913Subject:Food Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mozzarella cheese stretching in the processing step after blanching formed a unique fibrous structure, sothat a melt of cheese, drawing, widely used in pizza ingredients. In this thesis, melting and drawing nature asan index of non-salted immature Mozzarella cheese processing technology and the addition of emulsifyingsalts and complex salts of its functional properties, in order to determine the non-saline non-optimalmaturation of Mozzarella cheese.1. No-saline immature Mozzarella cheese and optimization of the process parameters. By the five levelsof the four factors quadratic regression orthogonal rotation combination design, to research the best pizzacheese optimizes the process conditions. Selected the pre-acidification pH shrinkage temperature, stretchingtemperature and stretching time for single-factor test, and verify its significant. The results show that the pizzacheese optimum conditions: the pre-acidification pH value of4.56, the shrinkage temperature of40.56℃, adrawing temperature of79.70℃, and stretching time7.62min.2. By the five levels of the four factors quadratic regression orthogonal rotation combination trial design,no-saline immature Mozzarella cheese optimum conditions.In This study,the pre-acidification pH, shrinkingtemperature, stretching temperature and stretching time were selected for single factor test, and then applyingthe response surface method for optimization of process parameters. Experimental results show that thepre-acidified to pH6.5, the heat shrinkage temperature of40.6℃, a stretching temperature of79.7℃,stretching time7.6min. The No-Saline, non-mature Mozzarella cheese is flavor, close texture, smoothness,elasticity, color uniformity, but does not have good melting and drawing.3. Compound additives have impact on-saline immature Mozzarella cheese melting and drawing.By thesingle factor experiment and response surface experimental design, the sensory score as the index, the affecton the composite ratio of inulin, sodium pyrophosphate, sodium citric acid sodium and orange peel pectin wereresearched on the melting and drawing of the no-saline immature Mozzarella cheese. The optimization resultof Additives as follows: the0.64℅of inulin, sodium pyrophosphate2.67℅, citric acid sodium2.38℅, theorange peel pectin0.53℅. The no-saline immature Mozzarella Cheese compared with the MozzarellaCheese which were Matured for30days, they have the same flavor, Texture, organization state and colors,melting and drawing are good, the drawing length is59.6a, its the melting, the area of melting is578mm2a.4. The amount of salt and the way of salt adding have effect on the melting property of the immatureMozzarella cheese. Using Schreiber and a little-oscillation Shear Analysis of method (SAOSA) to determinatethe melting of immature Mozzarella cheese with different salt. Results show that the different amount of salthas a significant impact on the melting of the no-saline immature Mozzarella cheese. The2%NaCl is added toreach the highest condition, and the result of Schreiber is same as the SAOSA. the different amount of salt hassignificant impacts on the hardness and elastic (p<0.05), while to the freezing the impact was not significant (p<0.05), When2%NaCl was added, the amount microscopic structure of no-saline immature Mozzarella cheeseOrdered relatively and orderly, the space structure formed By casein protein reticular has undergone a variation,many same-sized molecules are formed at the same time. The best way to add salt is dry to add. The optimumcondition to make the no-salline immature cheese is same as the cheese which was matured for30days on the physicochemical and functional characteristics.The results showed that: identifies no non-salted Mozzarella cheese maturation of new technology,developed a new additive formulations by confocal laser microscopy, rheology and other instruments, it isproved no non-salted Mozzarella cheese textural maturity, features and a variety of physical and chemicalproperties and mature30days of Mozzarella cheese consistent Conclusion: This thesis without saltedMozzarella cheese immature technology, composite additives, the amount of salt and salt are feasible.
Keywords/Search Tags:No-saline immature Mozzarella, process optimization, composite additives, melting
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