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Unculturable Microbes And Their Molecular Characteristics Of The Baiyunbian Fermentation Process

Posted on:2013-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C LuoFull Text:PDF
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Chinese liquor of various styles, has its own unique flavor characteristics. This unique style is closely related to the type and quantity of the same micro-organisms involved in fermentation. Baiyunbian wine have become the chief flavor liquor, a typical representative of Baiyunbian of wine production the unique technology and environmental conditions, the most important in this process and environmental conditions, the formation of the unique stability of the microbial flora. The objective existence of this flora determines the the Baiyunbian liquor style.In view of the the Baiyunbian special flavor of the liquor side, the majority of researchers hope that by studying DaQu, the accumulation of biomass variation of fermentation, and pit mud to improve the production process of the liquor. However, microorganisms can not develop, the more difficult to fully determine the advantages of microorganisms in liquor production process, and thus can not determine the formation of a special Baiyunbian wine flavor of the real microbial. The rapid development of molecular biology, genetic engineering and other disciplines, for research Baiyunbian liquor special flavor formation provides a good study conditions. This study attempts by the dynamic changes of the total microbial and using DGGE to (denaturing gradient gelelectrophoresis denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) analysis of microorganisms in the starter, the accumulation of fermentation, fermentation and pit mud and other process dynamics of identify Baiyunbian of the advantages of microorganisms in liquor production process (including non-cultured microorganisms) in order to determine the formation of a white edge wine special flavor of the real microbial.Culturable bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and yeast culture and dynamic changes in this study to determine the amount of microorganisms can be cultured, the bacteria in warmsong in about1.4×106yeast approximately5.6×105, the mold is about3.0×103;song in the high-temperature bacteria approximately4.8×103yeast approximately3.1×103, the mold is about4.5×102and a small amount of actinomycete; medium impact on microorganisms of the different treatments were measured to determine with10%of the mixed medium, sodium pyruvate0.125%/2medium diluted two-fold approach microbial largest number; the total amount of the uncultured microbial culture and dynamic changes, Ehrlich tube fermentation activity determination, the accumulation of fermentation of different accumulation time can be determined from the produce co2amount microbial changes in the product when determining glucose in the medium, the highest microbial activity, the fastest gas production, which largely determine the gas production of microorganisms Yishi yeast-based, this method can roughly determine the accumulation of fermentation products produced wine, wine quality differences, to provide a theoretical basis for the efficient improvement the Baiyunbian wine production process; accumulation of fermentation products of microorganisms and efficient enrichment studies to determine the TE buffer and pull ulan sugar a good enrichment and flocculation effect, provides a reliable method for studying the accumulation of single microbial fermentation product.Extraction of microbial DNA in the starter, the accumulation of fermentation, fermentation and pit mud and other process, and the total DNA as template the16SrDNA V1and PCR amplification of18S rDNA V3, District, and DGGE analysis of PCR products. The number, location and intensity of electrophoretic bands may reflect the microbial species in the sample and the relative composition ratio, reflecting the microbial composition of the samples and the composition of each stripe representing a microorganism from the data and maps the signal strength of look, the wine has more advantages of bacterial strains, indicating that bacteria play a significant role in the process of production of wine, Luzhou-flavor mud outside the cellar, the winery has a relatively stable dominant fungi, it is estimated that this strain is the wine-producing fungi, indicating that the main wine-producing fungi in the song and fermented grains. Found by comparing the different flavor microorganisms difference, close to whole bacteria fungi, strong aromatic flavor class in the entire production process, the bacteria strain ones, indicating that the bacteria can more decision Luzhou-flavor liquor flavor characteristics of nutrients for bacterial growth can affect the flavor of the liquor, the whole fungus, Baiyunbian and Maotai is more than Luzhou, indicating that fungi can affect the liquor Maotai.
Keywords/Search Tags:BaiYunBian, microorganism, biological activity, DGGE
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