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Study On Activated Carbon Column Adsorption Of Au~+

Posted on:2012-02-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330392452194Subject:Chemical Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Using activated carbon to adsorb Au+from Metallurgical waste water hasvital value for research and application. The adsorption property to Au+ofactive carbon adsorption column under different filler height, solution speed,pH value etc was represented.Column’s adsorption ability declines with the increase of time.adsorption ability is apparently much stronger in acidic condition than inbasic conditions; it reaches maximum when PH value is around3. Theadsorption ability is obviously weakened while lack of oxidant orinvolvement of deoxidizer such as ethanol.The existence of different metal ions has different effect on the adsorptionability of adsorption column, but they won’t change the adsorptionmechanism of activated carbon adsorption column to Au+. The Au+adsorptionincreased with the adds of metal ion co increase when the concentration ofcoexisting metal ions is not too high (no more than2000ml·L-1); however,affection caused by Na+and Mg2+to Au+’s adsorption processes are totallydifferent when concentration further increased. The adsorption of gold ionsshowed only a slow growth speed trend with further increase of Na+concentration, while gradually reduced with the add of Mg2+. Similarly,activated carbon adsorption of gold ions gradually weakened with the adds ofAg+, while increased with the add of Cu2+.
Keywords/Search Tags:Au~+, active carbon adsorption column, adsorption influentialeffects, selective adsorption
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