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The Study On Optimizing The Injecting Matching Of Flocculant For Sewage Treatment Plant

Posted on:2013-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330374466013Subject:Oil and Natural Gas Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the measure of increasing production and injection increasing in China, The oilrecovery factor is increasing, the fluid withdrawal rate is increasing, and the amount ofsewage is increasing. There are a lot of oil droplet and mechanical impurity in the sewagewith oil. Which can increase the difficulty for sewage treatment, and restrict the ability totreat sewage for the waste water plant severely, at the same time it can cause environmentproblem. In order to solve the problem of the sewage removal treatment and come to thepurpose for recycling, the most efficient method is injecting flocculant. The purpose of thispaper is to select the drug that is adapted to the water quality according to the physical andchemical index, applied character and difference of the flocculant used today, in otherwords, study the problem of adaption, and confirm the fit applied place and limit, whichcan decrease the cost of sewage treatment, and increase the treatment effectiveness.In this paper, we systematic investigate the factors that affect the effectiveness ofsewage treatment for the flocculant such as the using amount, using area, consistence andthe method of injecting etc in the first oil production plant Daqing oil field. We obtained theconclusion that the main factor that affect the sewage treatment in the amount of the polymerin the sewage. The water sample that has lower amount of the polymer is easier to treat. Thehigher amount of the polymer, the higher ζ potential, it is harder to treat. The PH value ofthe water sample has little effect for the organic polymer flocculant, but has great effect forthe inorganic polymer and compound type flocculant. The proper PH value is around7for thenew developed WJZ and ZB flocculant, and it is7.9for the ZA flocculant. When theconsistency of suspension is50-150mg/L, it can increase flocculation effect with theincreasing of the suspension consistency. However, When the consistency of suspension ishigh than150mg/L, it can decrease flocculation effect with the increasing of the suspensionconsistency.We divided the sewage into lower polymer, middle polymer and higher polymer threekinds according to the consistency of the polymer, through analyzing the wanter quality inthe plant of water disposal in Sazhong zone. We obtained the conclusion by field testing thethree flocculant that FX-99has a good treatment effectiveness for the lower polymer waterquality(the using consistency of the flocculant is50mg/L), WL-1flocculant has a good treatment effectiveness for the middle and higher polymer water quality(the using consistencyof the flocculant is8-20mg/L), and HY-1flocculant has a good treatment effectiveness forthe higher polymer water quality(the using consistency of the flocculant is10-15mg/L).We have obtained the conclusion by room experimenting the three new developedflocculant that the new developed flocculant has a better effectiveness than the actual one fortreating the lower polymer whose consistency is lower50mg/L and the the using consistencyof the flocculant is50mg/L, and it can come to the water quality requirement for recyclingfor treating the middle and higher polymer water by using WJZ, and the consistency of theflocculant is20-50mg/L.
Keywords/Search Tags:purify, flocculant, compatible ability
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