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Long-term Compensation Mechanism In Nature Reserve

Posted on:2013-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330371977057Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With China’s social and economic great-leap-forward development, Human activities has more and more influence on the environment, which is the cause of pollution,ecological function degradation, species decline and a series of serious problems. And these problems also affect sustainable development of the economy. The purpose of the establishment of nature protection area, is to protect natural ecological environment and species diversity, and maintaining ecological function. In order to achieve these goals, the residents live in the protection area and surrounding must be restricted or banned to use the local natural resources, they have to give up the lifestyle which is generation followed, and even have to move out of their homes. Because of the huge sacrificed made by the residents, the other social members can enjoy the ecological benefits. Accord with fair idea, and in order to guarantee the effectiveness of nature protection area, the compensation should be provide to the people with impaired interests. But at present, the ecological compensation mechanism in our country is underdevelopment, which has caused negative influence. Therefore, there is great significance to construct the complete ecological compensation mechanism.This paper is divided into four partsThe first part is introduction..The second part is the concept and connotation of ecological compensation. In this part, the author firstly explained the basic theory about concept of the ecological compensation, which is including public goods theory, external economic theory, and administrative compensation theory. Secondly, according to the different understanding of environmental protection in different periods, conclude the definition of the ecological compensation. At last, the author analyzed the special connotation with the system of ecological compensation in nature protection area, defined the definition, and concluded the characteristics.In the third part, the author gave an account of practices about the system of ecological compensation in the nature protection area, and pointed out the main problems are:legislative defect, irrational compensation standard, single Compensation form, shortage of compensation funds, vagueness of land ownership, lack of public participation. Then, refer to the foreign experience about ecological compensation, looking for the apocalypse to improve and perfect our country’s compensation mechanism.The fourth part in view of the above problems, points out the basic principles of the mechanism for ecological compensation in natural reserve. Then the author discussed the idea in china for improve and perfect the mechanism of ecological compensation in the nature protection area, for example, improve legislation, determine compensation standard, expansion capital source, Safeguard residents to participate in, ensure long-term affect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nature protection area, Ecological compensation mechanism, Interestcoordination
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