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Investigation And Research Based On Remote Sensing On Rocky Desertification Of Xincheng In Guangxi

Posted on:2013-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B NiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330371482344Subject:Quaternary geology
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Rocky desertification refers to the phenomenon of land degradation influenced by frequenthuman activities which cause the destroy of ground vegetation, erosion of soil, loss of surfacewater, extensive exposing of bare rock and piles of gravel in tropical, subtropical humid andsemi-humid climate conditions and in the natural conditions of full developed Karstlandforms. In this sense, rocky desertification is the extreme form of land degradation in Karstarea.This dissertation, based on the previous experience in the remote sensing investigation andmonitoring of rocky desertification, probes into rocky desertification in Xincheng County inGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region by using02B data(November2008)as the informationsources, integrating and applying3S technology, taking MAPGIS as the software platform ofspecial factor sensing and interpretation, and combining automatic extraction of PC withinteractive interpretation between man and PC and comprehensive laboratory study with fieldinvestigation. The following achievements have been obtained in the research:(1) The processed map of remote sensing in work area has been produced. Combined with theexisting data, relatively accurate interpretation signs of rocky desertification in work areahave been established by making full use of the rich experience in the remote sensing surveyand monitoring of rocky desertification, and doing much fieldwork. These signs includeinterpretation signs of light rocky desertification, moderate rocky desertification and severerocky desertification.(2) On the basis of02B remote sensing data, primary rocky desertification information hasbeen extracted by using relatively accurate interpretation signs and the former relativelymature method of rocky desertification extraction. Then, the final rocky desertification map ofXincheng County in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has been completed by verifyingrepeatedly in work area, communicating with local geological team and revising the sensinginterpretation draft of rocky desertification jointly.(3) According to the final map and relevant data, the feature of rocky desertificationdistribution in Xincheng County has been found out by analyzing the current distribution of rocky desertification in Xincheng county.(4) Based on relevant data and analysis of current distribution of rocky desertification inXincheng County, the cause of rocky desertification formation has been analyzed andsummarized. The conclusion will be helpful to comprehensive management of the rockydesertification.All the above reasearch show that compared with historical data, the CBERS-02remotesensing data has bright colors and contains abundant information which qualifies it to meetthe requirement of investigating the current situation of rocky desertification and obtainingthe information of rocky desertification in the research area efficiently and correctly. Theresearch also shows that the acreage of rocky desertification in Xincheng County has reached699.32km2, and the rate of rocky desertification has been as high as28.8%. The formation ofrocky desertification formation has various causes which include natural causes and humanones. Due to the harmful effects of rocky desertification on local economy, it is urgent to paymore attention to the comprehensive management of rocky desertification.
Keywords/Search Tags:rocky desertification, 02B data, Xincheng County in Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region, remote sensing, investigation and research
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