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Effects And Countermeasures Of Manganese Resources Exploitation On Ecological Environment

Posted on:2013-08-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330362473826Subject:Safety Technology and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There is rich manganese resources in Xiushan possess, and economic developmentof manganese industry is very rapid. But the problems of geology disaster, water andsoil environmental pollution are caused because of the disorder exploitation,lowefficiency and incomplete processing. Meanwhile,the harmful effects of gangue,tailings and wastewater to ecological environment are very serious. So, it is imperativeto research on ecological restoration in Xiushan. The thesis takes Chongqing’s Xiushanas studying object,analysing the metal pollution in ming develop area and theunfavorable factors in manganese exploitation. Aiming to the environmental problems,it is necessary to find the countermeasures on retarding environment impact.Based on the analyse and measure the pollution factors to gangue,tailings andmining area’s soil, the heavy metal pollution assessments have been done bysingle-factor index method, geo-accumulation index method and the potentialecological harm index method are. The results are showed that the most contaminatedelement is Mn,the very contaminated elements are Cu and Cd, and the lightcontaminated element is Cr in some area. Ecologic environment was seriouslyinfluenced by the stacking of manganese gangue and electrolytic manganese residue.Some of alleviating countermeasures were put forward according to the influencesstatus during the process of manganese exploitation. To improve mining efficiency theexploitation order must be standardized. The gangue was uesd as filling mine vacantplace to alleviate the geological disaster resulted from exploitation. The maincomponents in tailing was used as resources to remit environmental impact. Thewastewate treatment system must been enhanced to extract heavy metals, and reuserecyclly. The manganese industry chain ought to extend, the industrial structureadjuste, and the investment in science and technology increase in Xiushan.
Keywords/Search Tags:manganese resources, heavy metal contamination, soil safety, resourceutilization
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