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Research On Some Combinatorial Batch Codes

Posted on:2013-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2230330395453799Subject:Basic mathematics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Batch codes, first introduced by Ishai, Kushilevitz, Ostrovsky and Sahai in2004, are methods for solving the data storage problem. The actual background is how to distribute a database of n items among m servers in such a way that when a user needs any k of the n items, he can read at most t items from each server to find them and meanwhile the total storage N is required to be as small as possible. If we restrict out attention to batch codes in which every server stores a subset of the n items, we will get an (n,N,k,m,t) Combinatorial Batch Code (hereinafter referred to as CBC). In the practical application, only the case t=1is considered. Given n, k and m, we would like to find the (n, N, k, m)-CBC for which the total storage is minimum among all (n, N’, k, m)-CBCs. Here we say it is optimal and we denote the corresponding value of N by N(n,k,m). When using CBC to solve practical problems, the value of N is required to be as small as possible for given parameters n, k and m.The main content in this thesis is to research the monotonicity properties of the optimal CBC and determine the value of N in a class of optimal CBC. In2008, Paterson and Stinson gave the value of N(m+1,k,m) while Richard and Kathleen gave the value of N(m+2, k, m), then we try to determine the value of N(m+3, k, m) with the continuation of the ideology above. When k=1, obviously, N(m+3,1,m)=m+3. Meanwhile, the values of N(m+3,2,m) and N(m+3,3,m) were both determined by Paterson and Ruj, et al. In addition, they also determined the value of N(m+3, k,m) whenm+3≥(k-1)(mk-1)and(mk-2)≤m+3≤(mk-1), but the value of N(m+3, k,m) has not yet been determined when m+3<(mk-2).It is more difficult to determine the value of N(m+3,k,m) for the general case. In this paper, we mainly study the special case k=4, that is to say, we will determine the value of N(m+3,4,m).The structure of this thesis is as follows:In the first chapter, we present some monotonicity properties of the optimal CBC and prove that when N(n1, k,m1)=t1and N(n2,k,m2)=t2, the(n1+n2,t1+t2, k,m1+m2)-CBC exits.In the second chapter, firstly, we come to a conclusion that N(9,4,6)=15using dual theorem, then we obtain N(m+3,4,m)=m+9(m>6) through the combination of monotonicity properties of the optimal CBC and the use of the recursive inequality.In the third chapter, we conclude that N(8,4,5)=15using the reduction to absur-dity.
Keywords/Search Tags:combinatorial batch codes, set system, dual set system
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