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Experiment And Simulation Of Pyrolysis Of Huadian Oil Shale By Electrical Heating

Posted on:2013-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L D N G U I M B I G u y R Full Text:PDF
GTID:2230330371483603Subject:Geological Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The pyrolysis of Huadian oil shale samples were tested experimentally using the retorttechnique and simulation of pyrolysis was also done. All simulation studies were performedusing the electrical heating option of the ANSYS heat simulator. All the experiments were run bythree different heating rates (2°C/min,5°C/min and10°C/min).The kinetic parameters of oilshale pyrolysis were also determined.The pyrolysis process of Huadian oil shale was firstorder reaction model. The controlling parameters studies were the final pyrolysis temperatureand the influence of the heating rate to the weight loss as well as type. Thermal gravimetricanalysis was used for analysis weight, temperature and temperature change. It was found thatincreasing the heating rate and pyrolysis temperature also increases the production of oil and thetotal weight loss. Low heating rates resulted in high rates of accumulation. The rate of shale oilaccumulation was monitored by digital mass scales. Lower heating rates resulted in higher ratesof accumulation. The rate of oil and water collection was passed through a maximum of differentheating rates at different pyrolysis temperatures. Heating rate affects the oil density, oilconversion and oil yield. Mathematical calculation were used to find the kinetic parameters(reaction order, activation energy, frequency factor) by differential method from Arrheniusequation.It was found that kinetic parameters varied with heating rate.The simulation model developed in this study successfully predicts the experimental resultsfor pyrolysis of Huadian oil shale.The pyrolysis process of Huadian oil shale contains three steps. The first starts between150°C and200°C, the weight loss is mainly caused by the water removal from oil shale; thesecond step is the major step of weight loss, which is attributed to the decomposition of thehydrocarbon material and last step is begin up to750°C attributed to the decomposition ofcarbonate.
Keywords/Search Tags:Huadian, electrical heating, Oil shale
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