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Research On The Relationship Of The Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure And Corporate Value

Posted on:2013-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L R ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, China has made great progress in economy, and position in the internationalhas increased gradually. But at the same time, the developments of economy and society have comemore and more out of balance, and the interests of corporate are running counter to society'sinterests. Hence, people begin to pay more attention to corporate social responsibility. Nationalscholars after a large number of normative and empirical study in depth, making corporate socialresponsibility theory continued to develop. Especially whether fulfilling the corporate socialresponsibility will damage corporation value, and whether the corporation can find a balancebetween the two are the focus of the attention.At present, the disclosure of social responsibility has become an international trend. Theresearch of listed companies in our country to disclose information on the social responsibility isstill in its early stages, relevant research is not mature, and relevant controversial conclusions fromthe research still exists. At this stage, inspired by the ideas of sustainable development of Chineseenterprises, not only attention to the realization of economic benefits, but also should becommitment to social responsibility on the ecological environment and the interests of society. Thispaper focuses on the relationship between corporate social responsibility information disclosure andbusiness value of theoretical study and empirical study, so as to promote sustainable development ofenterprises.Firstly, this paper divides corporate social responsibility into four parts: Which areresponsibilities to stockholders, to debtors, to government, to public welfare, and then analyzes theirimpacts to corporate value theoretically. Then we establish an evaluation index system of enterprisesocial responsibility information disclosure in China basing on the conditions of the corporationsocial responsibility information disclosure of our country. Lastly, by learning about the theoreticalbasis and related hypothesis, we proposed Study on the model. From the empirical analysis, wedraw conclusions that corporate social responsibility information disclosure in China helps therealization of corporate value. In the end, this paper makes some suggestions of how to improvesocial responsibility performances and relevant information disclosure conditions of thecorporations in our country, and put forward some proposals to the future research of this issue.
Keywords/Search Tags:Corporate, Social Responsibility, Information DisclosureCorporate Value, Research on the Relationship
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