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Listed Companies Of China's Coal Industry Ownership Structure And Corporate Performance An Empirical Study

Posted on:2013-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W SuFull Text:PDF
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Coal is an important foundation for one of the energy, the industry's position in the nationaleconomy as a whole development process is a very important role is also very critical. Faced withincreasing globalization and the rapid development of the economic situation in the coal industryalso bear the enormous pressure and challenges. Especially when the international financial crisis,domestic demand for coal, the price decreased, coupled with a variety of incremental policyunveiled, leading to increased security costs of the coal industry, and economic benefits decline. Inthis case, how to improve the operating performance of the coal industry is very important toenhance their competitiveness and ability to resist risks.The current period is necessary to regulate the development of the coal industry to improvetheir current situation for various reasons, China's coal industry, a large-scale, large-scaleintegration of resources, mergers and backward enterprises while restructuring non-performingassets. With the advance of the activity, the important task of supporting China's sustained and rapideconomic development of affordable energy supply in the hands of the coal industry. The coalindustry continues to consolidate its critical dominant position, is still key to China's energyindustry to be high-speed sound development of the Based on this, we have to ponder: how to speedup the process of the overall operating performance of China's coal industry? Which the ownershipstructure had an important consideration.Domestic and international study on the correlation is endless, and generally recognized thepositive effects of ownership structure on corporate performance. The well-known economist, haspointed out that: improve the efficiency of corporate governance, improve corporate performanceneeds to focus on doing the work of the ownership structure because it is a key factor affecting theefficiency of corporate governance, we must make great efforts to improve an independent largestatus quo. In recent years, with the advance of the split share structure reform of listed companies,shareholding structure has been significantly improved, it can ultimately improve corporateperformance we need to study and solve problems. From the existing structure, and present theoretical and empirical research on this issue are many and different conclusions, mainly due tothe complexity of the relationship between the selected method and sample differences in the courseof the study, affect the company's operating performance more factors and other factors have led to.In China's coal industry, exactly what kind of ownership structure is the most reasonable andeffective, but also which side to start to adjust and optimize the equity structure? This need tofocus on and research. The author draws on existing research by scholars from various countries,give full consideration to the special nature of China's coal industry under the premise of using avariety of different research methods, First, from the standardization point of view on the meaningof the ownership structure and corporate performance, the theoretical system, as well as impactmechanism summarized the status of the ownership structure and corporate performance of listedcompanies of China's coal industry, followed by the relevant data and identify problems, and finallybased on ownership concentration and equity balance perspective of both correlation empiricalresearch, and optimize the equity structure of listed companies of China's coal industry arereasonable policy recommendations based on the results.
Keywords/Search Tags:coal industry, Ownership structure, Corporate Performance, Empirical research
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