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The Design And Implementation Of Automatic Stopping And Resetting Service System For Tietong

Posted on:2012-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330371450682Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous growth and development of Tietong, Tietong is now in the number and types of users have a rapid development has made remarkable achievements. But the accompanying financial return, the service lag and lack of aid problem restricting the development of the company has become an important factor. So far, the Tietong automatic stopping and resetting service system field stopping and resetting machines still use manual way, fixed-line subscribers arrears, the Office accounting system derived from the need to stop charging users of Portal engine room, engine room personnel to manually enter the command to switch, arrears to the fixed user downtime, fixed-line users pay arrears, the Office staff room and then notify the staff to manually enter the command to switch to fixed-line users arrears recovery machine. The process is complex and inefficient, error rate, a large number of delinquent customers to make room staff can not fixed down delinquent customers timely and complex machines, resulting in high arrears corporate users, complex machine is not timely, high customer complaints, quality of service falling. This paper describes the design and implementation of requirements, design and implementation process of automatic stopping and resetting service system for Tietong, the first business management department of the Tietong automatic stopping and resetting service system conducted a needs survey, the work process of a detailed understanding of the final stops automatically re-established machine system functional requirements and non-functional requirements, and then were used to class diagrams and sequence diagrams in the form of a detailed design of each subsystem.Finally, it realizes of the various functional modules and demonstrates some of the code. System uses J2EE multi-tier architecture, B/S development model for development, using the Java language, using Struts Hiberninate technology and JSP technology, using SQL Server2005 as the background data supporting the use of MVC development model for multi-tier architecture design and development of functional powerful network management system to stop re-machine. Finally, the system has a detailed summary of implementation process and design ideas, and it describes the role played in the process of using the system in the future. The research goal is to design and implement Tietong automatic stopping and resetting service system, in order to increase supervision, to further improve service quality, improve service levels, and promote capital returns, standardized user behavior, to better promote the company's own development, the establishment a functional complex, then the automatic stop system to stop users manage complex user machine to reduce intermediate links, shorten the work orders from the reception to the time required for implementation, so as to improve the quality of service the company's purposes:to improve efficiency reduce operating costs, the liberation of human resources, accurate, timely, efficient completion of complex machine functions stop, the case of smooth network, real-time to stop recovery.
Keywords/Search Tags:CTT, Automatic Stopping and Resetting Service, J2EE, SQL Server2005
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