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The Crawler Of Education In Web By Cloud Computing

Posted on:2012-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330368996730Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cloud computing is currently a hot technology in computer science. Cloud computing integrated network resources to access conveniently any form for Internet user .For universities, the emergence of cloud computing will undoubtedly bring great changes for high education teaching and management. In terms of teaching resources alone, since the amount of resources on the Internet growing exponentially, face to such huge resources, cloud computing is an effective means of the distributed storage model to solve mass storage resources . By building and participating in a variety of public cloud, private cloud, enterprise cloud and cloud of education, college can store a large number of educational resources.Cloud computing can solve the problem of massive storage educational resources, but also provides many resources retrieval methods based on different technologies. Therefore, cloud computing distributed storage model, A variety of search techniques based on distributed search technology have begun to attract attention with researchers .How to use these technologies to help cloud the search, to help colleges and universities, teachers, students to search effectively of cloud resources in education, so retrieval of cloud computing has become a research direction of educators.Based on discussing the cloud computing and cloud computing aided teaching, cloud computing can play a certain role for teaching, especially in distance learning. By researching distributed storage, data mining, and distributed search technology, proved that the solution based on distributed search technology is an effective means for cloud computing search. Finally, uses a distributed Web crawler——nutch to find the resources in distributed storage mode, expecting for future researchers to provide an idea.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cloud computing, Data mining, crawler, nutche
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