A type of design method for non-linear sythems is studied in this paper, andasymptotically stable su?cient condition of observer are by the Lyapunov methodand linear matrix inequality form, Because the design method relaxed to system'srequest, even if it is in (A-LC) unstable situation,residual error observer asymptot-ically stable may also cause. The main research results are given as follows:First, this paper discusses a kind of an output with a one-sided lipschitz non-linear item, the problem of nonlinear system observer design of the state of theequation with alipschitz nonlinear item . Further, it studies the problem of nonlin-ear system observer design that a kind of state of the equation and the output withthe one-sided lipschitz nonlinear item station.Then I studied the design problem of nonlinear system reduced order observerawhich used quasi sided Lipschitz condition instead of the general Lipschitz condi-tions, by using the di?erential mean value theorem and a group of Linear matrixinequalities, we propose su?cient conditions for the existence of reduced-order ob-server of the class of nonlinear system. The results we have been given is lessconservatism than the literature. |