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Digital Signal Transmission Teaching Experimental System Realization

Posted on:2012-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330338469943Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Digital signal transmission is often due to various reasons, making the transmission error generated in the data stream, so that the receiver have the image jump, discontinuous, a mosaic and so on. Therefore, channel coding through this part of the digital stream corresponding treatment, the system has some error correction capability and anti-jamming capability, can greatly avoid the error code in the occurrence of streaming. Improve data transmission efficiency and reduce error rate channel coding task. The nature of channel coding is to increase the reliability of communication. However, channel coding information would be useful to reduce data transmission, channel coding is the process of the data stream in the source code in the insertion of some of yuan, so as to achieve at the receiving end sub error detection and correction purposes.This project is for the Hanover University of Applied Sciences Communication Laboratory developed an experimental platform for students to experiment, to address the problem,to compare and test various different channels in high-speed long-distance signal transmission under the conditions of the situation as the main object of study, in depth analysis of the experimental results at the same time to enhance the students knowledge of different points of the signal channel knowledge, the experimental process were innovative and exploratory research.In this thesis of the research work, mainly in the experimental platform of the structure and operation of process development; focus on the hardware development approach; the same time of the trigger signal generator to the same time with any system with an external connection and with external systems methods to achieve synchronization; and innovative digital signal transmitter for signal transmission.The main results show for the realization of a variety of signals in the test instrument display; to achieve a high-speed signal 128kbit / s effective transfer; the output, encoding the signal types can be selected; completion signal generation, coding, and output symmetry Bipolar signal; the same time, the system has the flexibility to expand and novelty. One innovation of the system mainly as a high-speed high-frequency experimental environment. Speed of its transmission system 128kbit / s, greatly improving the signal transmission speed. All hardware units are usually required to ensure that the static 10MHz, while the research and development of the system 2 and 6, the hardware unit to be within the 15MHz to ensure the effectiveness of static work. High frequency of static hardware development work is also a difficulty. Another innovation is the digital signal transmitter, the previous test platform will produce the original signal points in the left channel signal coding, usually the original transmission signal generated by the PC, and now the two experimental platform for a second and a significant reduction in costs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Digital signals, signal transmission, signal transmitter
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