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Design And Implementation Of Online Charging System

Posted on:2012-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H P SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330338465132Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
3G license issuance, the domestic telecom market more competitive. In the battle for 3G market, how to develop more customers, how to maintain old customers, is a problem that has been the focus of competition.3G business brought more diversified billing demand, plus original fixed-line, broadband and a wide range of value-added business platform, provide for the customer support, give customers fusion meal bring brand-new full service experience, is one way of strong competition operators. Therefore, the business operator must support the 3G support systems, including whole business billing demand is the most real-time billing fusion core problem.For existing pre-paid telecommunication business, there are multiple independent pre-paid platform. The development of the current telecommunications prepaid service encountered the following pro-blem:.1. Due to limited the ability of intelligent network itself, for new data services used by the content, traffic and other means of charging mode support is not enough; can not support the more flexible the new tariff packages.2. The number of prepaid billing platform, customer data fragmented, difficult to achieve combination of marketing, new product support problems.3. pre-paid post-paid billing platform and each separate system, the user can not achieve a flexible billing system conversion.These difficulties led to Telecom prepaid user experience insufficient competition in the market with competitors at a disadvantage. In addition, the convergence of the network is also an urgent need for effective integration of billing systems support. Therefore, the telecommunications urgent need for a pre-paid subscribers have the abllity to multi-service integrated real-time online billing system to support. Meanwhile, Operators face increased risk of malicious arrears, lack of high-risk issues such as the user real-time control. Therefore, an urgent need for a multi-service integration capabilities with real-time online billing system for high-risk business with high-risk user support.This paper analyzes the status of telecom business support systems and the demand for online billing services, indicating that the online charging system (OCS) design and implementation of programs, and online billing system's overall structure and goals. Construction on the system and the transformation of the original related systems, and customer relationship systems to achieve the integrated charging and billing system and the interface between the network element system development, and online billing system, all kinds of business rules. The systems were tested between the FBI, and the detailed system functional tests to ensure the stable operation of the system can be. After completion of the system, first the original cutting intelligent network prepaid users receive online billing system. Telephone Number and then the pilot cities, the system runs stable, and gradually cut over the old city subdivision users. The current system is operating normally.
Keywords/Search Tags:3G, OCS, BSS
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