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Educational Economism Ideological Trend

Posted on:2013-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330374458166Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The importance of education in the development of human society has been widely recognized. Education not only influences and determines the development of each individual's life, but also carries the continuation of a nation's culture. It is a decisive factor in a country's development and prosperity. With the continuous development of China's economy, a growing number of people express a strong desire for high quality education. It is a fact that China is still in the early stage of development of socialism. Given the large population and the relative shortage of resources, China's education development is facing many problems. Without the guidance of theories, these problems cannot be solved. In philosophy of education, there are many theories which have direct impact on the direction of development of China's educational cause. One of them is the educational economism which is one of the most prevalent theories about the contemporary educational development in China. In this paper, firstly I will have an analysis of the ideological trend of educational economism in China in order to get a better understanding of it; and then starting from the humanism thought of Marxism, I shall reflect the effect of this ideological trend on China's educational development; finally, I will point out some problems caused by this ideological trend and give some tentative resolving advice for these problems.In the past century, a variety of educational ideas continue to emerge. Along with the endless controversy and confrontation, different education thinkings are also becoming increasingly mature and play different roles in the whole educational development process. The emergence and development of any kind of educational thought has its deep historical roots. Only by restoring them to the specific historical circumstances and ideological background, We can understand them. And only when we have gotten a real understanding of its inherent ideological basis, we can truly grasp the nature of a educational theory, and then use it to guide our educational practice.In the first chapter of this paper, I shall introduce the main theories of educational economism and its development course in the West and China. Educational economism is a product of the rapid development of the modern capitalist economy. And it is the most basic and most influential ideological trend of education thought in the modern world. The most important representatives of the educational economism is the human capital theory and education screening theory. Under the influence of these two theories, some viewpoints emerge in China, for example, the education market theory and the education industry theory. They produce a corresponding impact on the development of education in China. In the second chapter, I will evaluate the effects of the ideological trend of educational economism on China's education cause. This evaluation will focus on the positive impact on the society and individuals which is produced by the the ideological trend of educational economism. And I will analyze the negative impact produce by this trend and point out the inherent defects of the educational economism.In the third Chapter, starting from the people-oriented thought of Marxism, I will introduce Marxism's comprehensive understanding of education's nature and value to remedy the one-sided understanding of education of educational economism.Finally, I will have a discussion of some reflective perspectives on educational economism from the theoretical circles. In my opinion, the emergency of these perspectives implies that Chinese scholars have realized the important impact of education economism. How to overcome the adverse effects of educational economism and further promote the development of educational in our country is our top priority.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ideological trend of educational economism, Humancapital theory, Marxism, People-oriented
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