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Education Of College Students' Life

Posted on:2012-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B M SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330368490113Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis in education research situation of domestic and foreign life based on the analysis of the college students in our country, based on the actual life education, this paper defines the meaning of life education college education on college students' life, and the relationship between education with college related paper analyzes college students' life, and analyzes on the necessity and urgency of education. College students' life education is a systematic and complex engineering, this paper adopts the method of questionnaire investigation of Wuhan college students life education status part are investigated, mastered the education present situation of college students' life firsthand information. Some students know there is a deviation, lives life a negative attitude, life belief flaw, life values not healthy, but students commonly have strong life education accept consciousness. Through the theory with practice, analyzes the problems existing in the college students' life education, requires universities to survival value and life value of the unification of principle, materialistic and spiritual pursuit phase equilibrium principle, body development and psychological development phase the principle of equal importance, classroom education and extracurricular activities with the principle of combining the education on college students' education, and life education of college students' life clearly put forward by first class method, by which the second classroom, environment, education, high quality teachers teaching method to college education life.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, life education, view life
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