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Study On Current Situation And Countermeasures To Performative Children Basic Gymnastic In Shangdong Province

Posted on:2012-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330368477327Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Performative children basic gymnasticm, which has been launched in China since 1991, has won important role in field of childeren sports for its particular characteristics. It has gathered both rich scientific achievements and experiences during the 21-year strong development, and there are more and more expert scholars and research teams fielded in physiological sports, psychology of sports, biomechanics or sports medicine have joined the study of Performative children basic gymnasticm. There are many papers and studies show that it is quite useful for childrens body health, graceful postures, body flexibity, mentality, volitional quality, sociality development, and nonintellectual is "hope project" for body shape and basic project for fully developemnt of children, it also effective way to cultivate talent succession of competitive sports,carry out lifelong sports ideas, improve body qualities of citiziens. It is cross point of "national fitness program" and "olympic gold medal winning program".Shangdong province is one province that with well implement of performative children basic gymnasticm, its representative teams, selected to attend the national performative children basic gymnasticm have achieved excellent performance each year. Performative children basic gymnasticm has made fast developemnt since its first implement in Shandong in 1995. But there are still series of problems in its spreading and developemnt. This paper, in which document-data method, questionnaire method, expert interview, logic analysis method, method of mathematical statistics are used, first analyses current developemnt of performative children basic gymnasticm in Shandong,so as to find the root causes that have bad effects on its development, then try to seek the countermeasures to this situation and provide sensible sugestions for its developemnt. From the study we find that:1. It was unbalanced examined from regions, the level of representative teams from every area differs greatly, the spreading of it should be enhanced.2. Although most of the kindergartens have their own standarded training sites, their training equipments are not enough, and the budget for training is not sufficient either.3. The quality of professional faculty is poor. The quatity of high level coaches are few, most of the training teachers are pre-school education majors, they have rich pre-school education knowledge and higer academic career, but they know little gymnasticm theory and practice and have poor research level.4. The attitude of superior leaders and bias of parents are factors to effect the attitude of leaders in kindergartens. The poor understanding of parents on Performative children basic gymnasticm has bad effect on implement of it and the zeal of teachers who teach performative children basic gymnasticm.5. There are not enough techers in preschool performative children basic gymnasticm majors in higher schools of Shandong province, the courses offered are not enough either. And these hamper the whole development of teachers professional quality.6. It has not been publicize well, many kindergartens can not get related information timely.7. The superior departments in charge encourage opening of performative children basic gymnasticm, but there is no such policies and regulations to ensure its implement.Related policies and regulations, measures of superior departments in charge, fund-raising, recognization of the parents,its publicity, leaders attitude, quality and quatity of coaches are main factors to effect the implement and popularity of it.Countermeasures and suggestions:6. Enhance the popularity and implement of it by administrative force, for example by combination of PCSC and EC, make laws, generate more financial resources.7. Play the leading and supervision function of gymnasticm committee in Shandong well, build perfect supervision and management mechanism, enhance the implement of it by detail measures.8. Have regular seminar on performative children basic gymnasticm in Shandong, organize special research teams, encourage the teachers and parents to join the seminar, encourage science research creation.9. Optimize teacher resources. Hold regular and free training on coaches of performative children basic gymnasticm, and cultivate that kind of coaches all over Shandong province, equip enough professions teachers, courses and textbooks.10. Publicity it by all kinds of ways, such as media, broadcoast, messages, let the parents know this sports. And add reward of this competition, lay stress on the spirit of participation.6. Lanch varied ways to raise money for it, using its advertising effect fully.7. Absorb more and more kinds of talents join this profession,so as to promote its development and innovation.8. Bring Children basic gymnastic into the courses of preschool-age children's health education, so as to enhance its sound and sustainable development.
Keywords/Search Tags:shandong province, performative Children basic gymnastic, current situation, countermeasure
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