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The Study Of The Influence On Students' Ability Of Discovering And Solving Problems In Enquiring Teaching Method

Posted on:2012-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cultivating senoir high school students'ability of discovering and solving problems that helps students to enhance their innovation awareness and creative thinking. It also helps their independent learning ability. This study tries to use enquiry teaching method in math class for explore the way that how to improve students'ability of discovering and solving problems. First, there is an illustration about the definition of problem and discoveing and solving of maths problem's contents are defined. Some existed methods of cultivating abilities of discovering and sloving are introduced. On the basis of these content, this study is designed. Second, using demonstrative way to explore the relationship between enquiry teaching method and ability of discoving and solving maths problems. Students are short of this kind of awareness, and their level of ability of discovering and solving maths problem is low. Lastly, aftering enquiry teaching, the author uses contrast experiment to research the influnce on students'ability of discovering and solving maths problem. The result indicates that Constantly persisting in using student-centered enquiry teaching will improve students'ability of discovering and solving maths problem effectively. Especially it works for average students and honor students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mathematical problems that, Mathematical Problem Solving, Guided inquiry
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