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Heilongjiang Provincial And Municipal High School Volleyball And Analysis Of The Status Quo

Posted on:2012-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330335976232Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fitness extensively today, not only to improve the health of the people and the whole country national fitness event. The needs of social development, people-oriented expression. Vigorously promote "health first" guiding ideology of school sports, research high school volleyball to make it more responsive to new era "fitness" and "health first" mentality, for the public health service is of great significance. High School Volleyball is for the media to physical and mental health, overall development for the direct purpose, and to improve the overall quality of students as the ultimate goal of a cultural phenomenon or educational process. Starting from the high school volleyball this article to answer the current city of Heilongjiang Province, High School Volleyball problems faced Activities put forward specific proposals to encourage students to participate in the lifelong process of volleyball activities.In this paper, using literature data, questionnaire, interview, logical statistics and other research methods in Heilongjiang provincial and municipal high school volleyball teaching activities were carried out research. The results show that: Heilongjiang Province, to carry out the municipal high school volleyball is not consistent. Teacher, site equipment, teaching content, after-school training, gaps exist, Heilongjiang Province, the municipal high school volleyball class in the situation is not ideal. Teacher: the power of good physical education teachers, but teachers Volleyball relative lack of professional sports, most of them came from other professional changes, and volleyball also have fewer opportunities to continue training; site equipment: the space, equipment lacking, can not meet Volleyball teaching needs, most of the less formal school volleyball venues, mostly in teaching basketball venues for volleyball, volleyball equipment, a limited number of classes can not meet the needs of students; teaching content areas: teaching content to serve a single technology transfer pad content-based teaching, students too poor grasp of volleyball techniques, students learn the knowledge of volleyball narrow face, the majority of students are the teachers to teach mainly volleyball, volleyball training students to participate in after-school aims to promote physical health, most of them ; students to participate in extracurricular activities, exercise time is short, there is no teacher's guidance. The high school volleyball match in Heilongjiang Province, is not ideal, to organize large-scale game less influential. Of high school volleyball in Heilongjiang Province to carry out the factors are: the degree of attention the school leadership, physical education teacher resources, student extracurricular activities and time. High School Volleyball Heilongjiang Province and the situation is not ideal to carry out analysis of the causes and the countermeasures proposed: awareness of changes in leadership, causing leadership attention; strengthen the teaching ranks; increase the school sports facilities, attention to volleyball venue, equipment improvement; conduct various forms of volleyball competitions; Volleyball teaching content, teaching methods diversification; extra-curricular activities and the combination of extracurricular activities to enrich after-school life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heilongjiang provincial and municipality level high school, volleyball, present situation, countermeasure
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