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Rural Policy Implementation In Village Politics

Posted on:2013-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H FengFull Text:PDF
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Rural politics is always the concerned issues in sociology research, especially; some scholars of political sociology pay more and more attention to rural politics. And mainly concentrated in the relationship between cadres and villagers, village self-government, rural grassroots elections and so on. Political stability in rural areas, as the prerequisite of the countrysides'advancement and the construction of new socialist countryside, which is related with the reform and open undertakings as well as the process modernization. To maintain the political stability and provide the stable political environment for the construction of the new socialist countryside, china's government has formulated many policies. But the policy execution doesn't realize the desired projects; even bring some problems and contradictions, which affect the social stability in countryside.From the grass-roots power in rural areas how to carry out the specific national rural policies, the financial receipts and expenditures of village level are deeply analyzed, and on this basis to further explore the logic and countermeasures mode of the grass-roots power operation. In the specific research process, the main aspects of this paper discussing is the status of the rural politics, which is reflected in the process of the specific implement in these national rural policies by the rural grass roots power. Namely, the grass-roots power how to change the rural policies into its own available resources in carrying out, the authority and legitimacy of the grass-roots power management in rural areas at the same time.This study selected the village-level financial revenues and expenditures as the breakthrough point of the rural political operation research, paying attention to internal grass-roots power to interpret the logic and law of the rural political operation. In view of the institute of rural political operation problem, firstly introducing the basic circumstances of the political operation of the village and the basic social structure of the village In the specific research way. Secondly, By understanding these basic materials, combined with national rural policies and the transformation of management ideas for the village and giving a statistical analysis of the financial receipts and expenditures since reform and opening up, then get the conclusion. Thirdly, grabbing and giving from the countryside of the two different times respectively, concrete analysis the grass-roots power that how to implement the national rural policies. Finally, bring out the logic and countermeasures mode of the grass-roots power operation from the analysis of the experiences.This article through the investigation of the logic and countermeasures of the enterprise operation, we can see that with China's rural economic system reform and the formation of village administration and management system, in the process of the village management presented at the township government as a representative of the state power, to the village committee, as a representative of the village public management organization, and the villagers, which the triple power presents a complex situation of interaction and mutual influence, village administration power and village management power, the elite of the village system and contradiction and conflict of the villages constitutes the main level and main link of the triple power interaction. In other words, not only is due to external factors of village power structure, not only the internal factors, but their common action and influence, then constructs the actual situation of the current village management. Therefore, constructing the benign interaction of the village power structure, gradually forming Dynamic balance both restraint and benign interactive of the triple power in the village management, thus providing the solid political platform for all-round construction of the well-off society and promoting the building of a new socialist countryside construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural political, rural policy, operation logic, countermeasures mode
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