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On The Construction Of New Rural Cooperative Finacial System Innovation

Posted on:2013-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330374460520Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The new rural construction in China was proposed in the "Economic and Social Development11thFive-Year Plan". Taking economic construction as the center of the new rural construction includes allaspects of science, education and environmental protection in rural areas, in theory and practice ofcommunity caused by new research and discussion. In these, a new problem in the field of legal iseconomic law system innovation. The causes of rural cooperative finance are including not only thefairness and efficiency advantages, and including both reasonable balances. According to the theory ofNew Institutional Economics, the new rural construction on the innovative ideas of economic law systemshould be "from the economic policy to the economic law","to spontaneous Institutional Change," from amandatory regime change,"from the relationship between the economies to contract economic threeaspects of change. The needs of China's rural cooperative financial institutions can not meet the farmersand rural SME lending, which means that the legal system of rural cooperative financial innovation isnecessary.This thesis is composed of five chapters. The first chapter reviews the meaning and theories of thesocialist system under China's new rural construction of new rural cooperative financial association. Therule of law, innovation is the guarantee of the cooperative financial functions in the new rural construction,the foundation of the new rural construction; about the legal innovation of a new socialist countrysideconstruction, financial innovation and the legal system innovation have established contact. From the viewof equity and efficiency, the second chapter said the legitimacy of China's rural cooperative financialinnovation of the rule of law. Said to compensate and relieve t vulnerable groups, to ensure equality of opportunity, to allow a reasonable difference. Chapter III, China's cooperation in financial laws to protectthe reality of situation and defect causes. It is including cooperation in the financial review of the legalprotection, and the emergence and development of rural cooperative financial and legal protection.Beginning in1949, the rural financial development in the form of cooperatives formed. The status of therural cooperative financial legal protection is imperfect legal system of cooperative finance, cooperativefinance function can not be a good play. Chapter IV, starting from the US-Japan and Germany and otherdeveloped countries, rural finance development, and analysis of foreign legal protection of ruralcooperative financial enlightenment, Comment on the development of rural finance in developed countries,compared the difference between Chinese and foreign cooperative financial, absorbing foreign cooperationin the rural financial sector advanced experience. The fifth chapter discusses the legal innovation ofChina's rural cooperative financial path and choice of system. This is the focus of this article, where theinnovation point of the article. According to the actual situation, we can modify the Law on CommercialBanks ", follow the example of foreign created the People's Republic of China, China AgriculturalDevelopment Bank Act, created the rural cooperative financial law. Innovation and development of thelegal system of China's rural cooperative financial are including rural cooperative financial organizationsproperty legal system innovation and the innovation of the legal system of cooperative financialinstitutions.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural, rural cooperative financial, fair, efficiency, innovation
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