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Research On Regulation Of Standard Terms

Posted on:2012-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W YaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the market economy now, the contract has become eommonplace in our life.There are lots of terms prepared ahead of time,used repeatedly, and without consultation with the other in the contraets.That is the"Standard Terms".If standard terms be used reasonably,orderly and legally,it will improve soeial efficieney and faeilitate economic exehanges greatly and reduce transactione costs , eontribute to the economic development of our country signifieantly:But it will lead to abuse and malicious use of the standard terms ,"King Terms",if standard terms be limited loosely , regulated in appropriately, damage legitimate interests of trading partners, impede social and economic development thereby. Study and research in standard terms and its rule and regulation have big academic value and practical value.First,the the article incldes the definition,characteristics,and the nautre of the adhension claues. Inaddition,the concepts concerned such as"adhension contract"and"Standard Terms"are employed to be compared with the concept"adhension clause"soas tomake its connotation cleaer.Then the article analysis the value of adhension clause and enjoys praticle value and great systematical value. Some values straying unveils,but the evidence for straying is the adhension clause challenges the old principles of"justice"and"freedom".The article classifies the regulations for standard terms around the world and the deseription of the status quo of the regulations in our country,the writer gives his suggestion on how to consumate the regulations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Standard Terms, Value, Regulation
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