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Lmprove Our Current Concept Of Management System Prosecutor

Posted on:2012-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J ZhuFull Text:PDF
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Prosecutors management system is the system of prosecution is an important part, according to prosecutors for the independent exercise of prosecutorial power to protect, fulfill their legal oversight functions and to regulate prosecutors and impartial law enforcement, to ensure the proper exercise of legal unity, has very important significance. In recent years, prosecutors on how to improve our current management system, in theory and practice community has a useful exploration. The establishment of a professional, elite, Justice of the prosecutor team, an effective solution to the current prosecution prosecutors mixed management, people post not the prosecutor shortage and other issues, is to improve the management system and deepen the prosecutor important judicial reform content is independent prosecutor in the proper meaning of the title. The natural way to achieve this is the first prosecutor of category management. This article as a starting point, the theoretical support from category management to start drawing on experience of the management system of foreign prosecutors, prosecutor of the existing management system for analysis, to explore ways to rationalize the relationship between the current management system by prosecutors, the prosecutors segments, job security were studied with a view to improving the management system prosecutor, category management to promote the prosecutor to provide some suggestions and ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prosecutors, management system, category management
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