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Consumers Relief As The Rights Of The Buyer Flaws Benefits

Posted on:2012-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The current law of defects payment did not make the distinction between buyers and consumers, which ignores the fact that consumers are in a weak position in goods'transactions. Meanwhile, the relevant provisions scatter among many laws, which not only cause the unnecessary waste of legislative resources, but also lead to the gap between legal provisions of fragmentation, and then the consumers will not get the due compensation or effective remedy for defective goods. In short, the existing law can't completely protect the legal rights of consumers. Therefore, it is necessary for us to observe and learn from the successful legislative practices of the relevant directives in European Union and Germany's new debt law, and avoid their weakness. We should take specific measures to strengthen the protection for customers as specific buyers paid for goods'defects, for example, complete the system of customers'remedy rights, set the obligations to notify the buyer, improve the compensation system, and so on. These explorations will play an important role in building a fair Consumer Rights Protection System.
Keywords/Search Tags:defects payment, consumer, right to relief
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