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Research On Several Basic Issues Of The Crime Committed By Assembled Crowds

Posted on:2012-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330368499126Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
So I chose to study crime mob, in theory, from the 2010 National Social Science Fund project application guidelines in the topic of "mass incidents of criminal law should study." Legal incidents, although different groups of mob crime, but there is a close contact. Mob crime is a broad group of legal events important part of the sort of crime mob will carry out the basic issues of criminal incidents of group should study the law to lay a solid foundation. At the same time, because in practice the number of multi-mob crime, energy, impact wide-ranging impact is huge, worthy of attention. In recent years, showed multiple mob crime trends, serious impact on social harmony and stability, and because the complexity of crime mob and unexpected, difficult to deal effectively with the larger, more need for further research. Crime mob-depth and comprehensive analysis, found that its characteristics, to grasp the pulse of the appropriate way to gather together to resolve crime and danger signs in the invisible, trying to avoid substantial damage to social order and to the great masses of the people doing irreparable harm reduction Therefore, the social unrest, security community and the country in a stable and orderly environment for the rapid and harmonious development.This paper is divided into four parts, namely, an overview of crime mob, crime mob practiced limited, transforming crime, unfinished form, and mob justice for the crime mob crime legislation of China's current shortcomings and improve. The first part is an overview of some of mob crime, the main analysis of the concept of mob crime, criminal division of the main scope and characteristics of crime mob. The second part is the implementation of crime mob had limited transforming crime and unfinished form, mainly for the implementation of crime mob off limits, transforming crime and unfinished form for analysis, the mob nature of the crime in order to facilitate an accurate grasp. The third part is the judicial application of crime mob, crime mob is to study explained the applicable principles of justice and the conviction and sentencing issues. The fourth part is our current mob crime and improve the legislative defect, mainly on the current shortcomings of China's mob crime legislation has been studied, and to make appropriate suggestions for improvement. Innovation of this paper: First, the concept of crime mob, crime mob, especially the extension can not be limited to criminal law as a "mob" word count, but the missing part of mob crimes committed, nor can all involve acts of mob charges are included in the mob crime. In the narrow definition of the crime based on the mob to do the appropriate expansion of substantial part of the implementation of crime mob crime mob into the scope. Second, crime mob ties and differences between common crime that is a common crime mob crime may or may not be a common criminal. On the contrary, the crime may contain partially mob crime. Containment relationship between the two is a cross. On this basis, the primary elements of the crime mob, an active participant in the crime and the principal participants and make a distinction. Third, the implementation of crime mob too limited. Subject practiced the crime problem is a more complicated problem worthy of study, and implementation of crime mob had more research to play a limited space, this mob crime practiced in limited studies, the author made a number of their own views. Fourth, crime mob crime legislation suggestions for improvement, based on the study in the text, put forward as far as possible the actual operable perfect mob crime-related legislation in a number of recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Crime Committed by Assembled Crowds, Characteristics of Crime, Practiced limit, Judicial application, Improvement of legislation
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