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Origin Of The Socialist Market Economic Ideas Of Deng Xiaoping

Posted on:2012-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G G FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330368495956Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In developing a market economy under socialist conditions is unprecedented over the past theory and the concept of a breakthrough. Deng Xiaoping's thinking of the socialist market economy and China's socialist market economy under the conditions imposed by the Marxist theory of political economy and scientific socialism .The significant development of the Chinese communists on the historical development of Marxism contribution.Paper is divided into three parts: introduction, describes the ideology of Deng Xiaoping's socialist market economy status at home and abroad, while, for its lack of research and practice I focus on two aspects of thinking of Deng Xiaoping thinking of the socialist market economy, and methods of this study and its significance explained. The main part. Mainly from three aspects: First, Deng Xiaoping, the formation and development of socialist market economy and the main content, mainly from the historical process and the time to discuss changes in practice. Second, Deng Xiaoping's thinking of the socialist market economic ideas from, this is one of the highlights of this paper, mainly from the classical Marxist writers and leaders of the party to analyze and explore the Deng Xiaoping's socialist market economy Idea. In addition, also from the theorists thought the socialist market economy theory and international markets of socialist thought and other aspects of the socialist market economic ideas of Deng Xiaoping's social theory. Third, Deng Xiaoping thought the practice of the socialist market economy base, which focuses on this aspect is mainly to explore the pros and cons from Deng Xiaoping's socialist market economic feasibility and reasonableness. The conclusion part: This part is a summary of the previous sections, with emphasis on the socialist market economic ideas of Deng Xiaoping as his own innovation, but also learn from successful practice experience in market economy countries and regions, results; the same time, also pointed out that Deng Xiaoping in the use of market practice, economic thought, always play it with the superiority of the socialist society be considered together; to arrive thought and Deng Xiaoping's socialist market economy, the combination of the socialist system has yet to be further enriched and improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deng Xiaoping Theory, Scientific socialism, The socialist market economic thought
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