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Relationship Between Personal Freedom And Social Order From Perspective Of Historical Materialism

Posted on:2012-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330368480088Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The source and power of social order problem is the so called "Hobbes problem", which attracts classic sociologists' special attention. The core of this problem is the relationship between personal freedom and social order, and when explains the mentioned relationship, we had to make clear the social concept. As a part of philosophy world outlook, social concept is about human's essential view on the society they live and the relationship between society and humans.Traditional western social concept is entity-oriented. In ancient society, this entity-oriented social concept mainly displayed as holism of clustering and deification. In past modern society, this concept displayed both as atomism and holism, which were represented by social contract theory and organization theory respectively, But during modern and contemporary times, this concept is in the form of New Liberalism atomism, holistic communitarianism and structuralism.On the relationship between personal freedom and social order, this entity-oriented social concept either lay too much emphasis on social order to neglect of personal freedom, or extremely pursuit individual liberty to abandon the social order. Even some sociologists tried to solve this dualism dilemma to set up a bridge between personal freedom and social order. But because of their inexhaustive thought, especially because they didn't find the relation point—social practice, they didn't walk out off the constrain of ontology.Marx's social concept is different from traditional western social concept most fundamentally because Marx based his research on practice viewpoint. The establishment of the concept of praxis could really mean the establishment of his social concept. From the practical point of view, there is no priority for both individual and society, and they shape the Mutual Construction of each other. On this basis point, personal freedom and social order is harmonious and unified. To make this come true, we should premise with realistic individual and to practice as the way. In modern western capitalist society, The western Marxist give the interpretation of Marx's social concept, which intended to realize person's freedom and liberation, But because of era and class limitations, they didn't put forward the practical and feasible way to truly achieve human freedom.China now is at the period of social transition, manage the contradiction properly between personal freedom and social order is a fundamental problem that the government is facing. The establishment of Marx's historical materialism gives the right answer to this relationship as mentioned above. Personal freedom is the ultimate goal and social order is the necessary condition when we construct harmonious socialist society with Chinese characteristics, and this constructing is an objective selection of history in order to achieve common development both in personal freedom and social order.
Keywords/Search Tags:Historical materialism, Social concept, Personal freedom, Social order, Harmonious society
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