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About The Illegal Practice Of Medicine Practice Of The Administrative Penalty

Posted on:2013-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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March2005, the State Council issued "the general office of the StateCouncil about to crack down on commercial fraud of the special actionnotice", in April, the ministry of science and technology, the ministry ofpublic security and health ministries seven ministries, jointly issued "thespecial action program to combat illegal medical practice ", which pullopened a prelude to the special action of a nationwide campaign to crackdown on illegal medical practice.Administrative penalties as a effective administrative means of healthadministrative departments to crack down on illegal practice, on the one hand,play a crucial role in the action of against the illegal practice, on other hand,due to the imperfections of the relevant laws and regulations, and the actualsituation of illegal medical practice is complex, therefore the illegal practice administrative penalty in the applicable law, and cases of the implementationprocess and other cases also there are varying degrees of problems. Theauthor attempts from the practical point of view, through inductive analysisof the2010,2011, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, illegal medical practiceadministrative penalty cases, to clarify the current status of the illegalpractice of administrative penalties, as well as problems. The author strive toregulate the illegal practice of administrative penalties for the healthadministrative departments through this study, increase the investigation andpunishment of illegal practice medical of difficult cases to play a positiverole.
Keywords/Search Tags:Illegal practice medical, Administrative penalty, Cause ofaction, Illegal liability
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